Chapter Four - The Meeting

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It was a cold and dark morning out on the farm that was located in the middle of nowhere. A young stallion was harvesting the grain early in the morning. The sun hadn't even risen yet. Most likely not even Celestia had woken up yet. But that didn't concern the stallion. He had always gotten up early to harvest the grain for the day… but he didn't know this was going to be his last time. Out in the orchard lurked a vampire fruit bat, or at least that's what it seemed to be at first. 

As the green pegasus began to harvest the grain, he tightened his bandana around his neck and pushed his glasses back to their correct position on his face. While he was harvesting grain, a noise came from the bushes that caused his ears to perk up. He stopped what he was doing and went to investigate what caused the sound. He cautiously trotted to the bush, making his way closer to the source of the disturbance in the orchard. And as he began to peer behind the bush, he immediately retracted himself as a sharp pain emerged in his neck. "Ow!" He yelped. He started rapidly shaking his head to try to get whatever was biting his neck off of him. 

Once the creature left, he put a hoof to his neck only to see blood and lots of it. The last thing he got a glimpse of was a bat flying off into the distance. Then everything went black as he passed out on the ground. 

Latenighter shot up from his bed nearly hyperventilating, terrified. "Oh good. You're up!" Silvertail said. 

Latenighter stared at her almost in anger. "What did you do?" He growled at her. 

Silvertail giggled. "Oh, just a little nightmare/flashback spell. Nothing much." She said cheerfully with a smile. 

Latenighter sighed. "You're a bitch." He said slightly aggravated. 

"Tee hee. Oh, I know." She said unable to control her giggling. 

Latenighter stretched his forearms and forelegs and rose up out of his bed. "So…? What is so important that you had to wake me up from my peaceful sleep?" He asked annoyed. 

"Oh, why I'm sorry, your highness." She replied in a snarky tone. "But after what happened last night with Rainius, Twilight, and Starlight, I found out that she is going to be staying with her father for a few days in Sire's Hollow."

"And?" Latenighter egged on, ready to just be done with the whole conversation. 

"And Rainius is joining her, meaning it'll be easier to take out my revenge on him." Fury spoke up. "He will rue the day he ever crossed hooves with me!! Cause I'll make sure that this'll be something that he won't forget."

"What was it that happened last night, Silver?" Latenighter inquired. 

As Silver tells the story, the scene transitions to the castle of friendship the night before, where Twilight, Starlight, and Rainius were in Twilight's room, where Starlight had got caught in the act of eavesdropping on their conversation. 

“I can’t say I’m not disappointed in you, Starlight… What were you thinking, eavesdropping on our conversation?!” Twilight exclaimed. 

Starlight looked down at her hooves, feeling guilty. “I’m sorry…” Was all she said. 

Twilight turned around, looking away from Starlight before she coldly said, “I think it would be best if you leave.” A statement that shocked Starlight to the core. She had never been asked to leave the castle. 

"B-but I don't have anywhere to go!" She exclaimed. She tried to reason with the Alicorn, but it seems like she just wasn't having it. 

"What about your fathers in Sires Hollow?" Twilight suggested. "He might have a place for you to stay." Starlight shuddered in disgust at the thought of having to stay with her father, and in her old room from her teenage years. 

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