Chapter Nineteen - The Birthing

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"How can you even do this to your own son?!" Luna demanded to know. "Just leave him be Sombra! This has nothing to do with him! This is between you and me alone!"

"Oh, but he is Princess. As I no longer have a body as you can see… so with his gifts and mine he'll make a fine and powerful king." Sombra said. Luna glared at him angrily. "Oh Luna you're still as beautiful when you're mad, it's a shame you and I never got our happiness… We could have gotten our dreams together. I still think of you and what we had until we lost everything because of your sister!"

"No! The only thing you lost was yourself when you choose to harness darkness as your ally, instead of I who could have been yours forever...but no you choose your desire that destroyed the one I I will spare you once but if you cross my family once more I shall be the one to end you! And give you permanent release! Leave!" Luna threatened. 

"Oh, come now, Luna!" Sombra said, putting his hoof to her face, but she smacked it away. 

"Leave!" She exclaimed. 

"Fine," Sombra agreed. He then disappeared in a cloud of smoke. 

Starlight sat in her room, thinking about the possibilities. How she could die before even seeing the baby's face. She was trying to sleep but was woken up by the baby that startled her to wake by kicking her really hard by her ribs making her sit up weakly as she leaned her head against the bead stand so she'd be able to not fall. 

Starlight gasps looking down with a small smile "Hey you be nice I'm trying to sleep we have a long trip tomorrow morning. So do me a favor and let me sleep okay?", she grunts chuckling when it kept kicking "Hey why are you so mean huh? You're probably just excited to see me don't know why I'm pretty lame...Ow! Fine, I'" 

Quietly she looks down waiting but nothing happened, she smiles softly placing her hoof on her belly gently "Oh now you quiet..sorry mommy is okay I guess..although your daddy is very handsome and a prince so that means one day you'll be a prince or princess...and one day you'll be…" She sniffs, crying. “You probably don't even understand what I am saying but…I just want you to know that even though I may not see you, at least you’ll know that I loved you just…"

Weakly she began to sing a soft lullaby to her baby, her goodbye, and the love she had for it. It was final words to her baby alone, letting it know that she would always be there, even after she dies, and that this was the only way to be with the baby, the only way to feel it, where she was still breathing, and alive.

She covers her mouth in tears unable to hold back her emotions knowing that she was dying, and may not live to see her baby, not even its face. She whispers in tears "I love you so much my little bundle of joy… always."

Filled with sorrow Rainius leaned his head against the wall after hearing her lullaby, and her last words to their child, he couldn't fight the tears any longer. He begins to cry as he says a prayer whispering to himself. "Please… spare her… she deserves to be alive after all she's done for me… for her sake please don't let her die let her see her baby… take me instead… If anypony deserves to go it's me… I destroy everything I touch… don't take her away from me… I'll do anything to keep her heart beating… just tell me and I'll do it… please… spare her… both of them…" 

Tears fell down his face ashamed, and broken "I love them… so much it kills me to see them suffer… don't punish them for my mistakes… my sins… they don't deserve it… it’s my fault… it's all mine… let her live… let her and my baby live..." He cried to himself. 

Trying to be strong he opened the door that was barely closed, he goes to her bedside, touching her shoulder. "I truly can't tell you how sorry I am, for how angry I've been," Rainius said as he kissed Starlight. 

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