Chapter Sixteen - The Wedding

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"No… no… NO!" Sunburst exclaimed in fury as he thoroughly read the wedding invitation for Rainius and Starlight's wedding. He ran outside, taking on his timberwolf form and was determined to run as far away from Equestria as he could. Or maybe he'd go to Yak Yakistan. 

Meanwhile, Starlight was with Rarity in her shop. Rarity was having her try on her wedding horseshoes. The shoes were a little too tight though. "You just have to break them in, darling." Rarity said as she watched Starlight try to walk in them. 

"I've been breaking them in… for three days." Starlight replied a little annoyed. "Can I just go barehoof?"

"No! Absolutely not, darling!" Rarity said. "Now, come on, we got to try on the dress!!" 

Starlight rolled her eyes. "Ugh… great." She muttered under her breath. She then saw Rainius outside waiting for her. "Um, Rarity, I've gotta go. I'll see you later." 

"But darling, you haven't even tried on your dress-!" Rarity said. Before she could say anything, Starlight was gone. "Well, make sure you at least get some beauty sleep!!"

She went out to Rainius. "So, what are you so nervous about?" Starlight asked her fiance. 

He stopped. "Starlight, I haven't told you everything about myself…" He began. 

"What, you're not a virgin?" Starlight teased. They both shared a laugh. "What it's not like you can scare me away now."

"No." He replied. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "After my mother had transformed into Nightmare Moon and my aunt Celestia banished her to the moon… I rebelled against her. I was angry at her. She could've saved her, but instead, she just imprisoned her."

"I can't imagine how hard that must've been on you." Starlight said sympathetically. 

"It was then I had joined the bat syndicate. Thinking it would help. But it didn't. I just felt worse." He explained. 

"Why are you telling me this?" Starlight Inquired. "Did you really think this was going to change my mind about you?"

"No, but I was thinking it might change your mind about yourself and who you wanna see when you look in the mirror a year from now," Rainius said. 

"When I look in the mirror a year from now, I wanna see somepony just like you… somepony capable of courage, sacrifice, and most importantly… love." She tells him. He immediately grabs her and starts kissing her. Deeply and passionately. She hears Celestia's voice. "What's going on?"

Rainius chuckles. "I'm late for my bachelor party." He laughed. 

"Go ahead. I've got my bachelorette party to go to." She said, letting him go. 

"I'll meet you at the alter," He said. 

"I'll be the one in white." She giggled. 

"That's very convincing." He replied before he left. 

The next morning was the big day. Everyone from far and wide had come. Including Starlight's father. Who was still in uncertainty about the whole thing. Rarity was doing Starlight's make-up for the wedding. She was carefully applying blush to Starlight's cheeks. And was putting mascara on her. "Do you need some help? I could do her hair?" Lylac suggested. 

"Really?" Starlight smirked. 

"Please," Lylac scoffed. "I'm not offended by your choice of groom."

"Just my blatant lack of respect for mortality." Starlight said mockingly. 

"Essentially," Lylac commented. 

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