Chapter Thirteen - Training

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The large open fields of Canterlot had really made a great place for the royal guards to get their training. And it would be a great place for everypony else too. Or every timberwolf as well. It was bright and early in the morning and Lylac was already out there training the new recruits. "You're late." She said harshly as Rainius, Starlight, Celestia, Luna, and the mane six had shown up. 

"Well, we didn't know that it was happening this early." Said Rainbow Dash before she let out a loud yawn, stretching out her limbs.  

"The timberwolves managed to show up earlier than you," Lylac said, pointing a hoof over to Sunburst and his pack of timberwolves. She turned back over to her trainees. "Attention!!" The trainees brought their focus all on her. "A great evil is coming…" They all get a sense of worry. "These foes are unlike any other we have ever faced. They're a great deal stronger than us. And can crush us in an instant. Which is why you all will need training in how to fight and defeat them. Luckily for you, I'm your mare." She grinned. Her golden-yellow menacing like eyes glaring at all of them. 

Rainius translated by reading the timberwolves’ minds. "The timberwolves wanna know how the newborn bat ponies differ from me." He told Lylac. She stepped forward. 

"I have learned a lot from when I had trained newborn bat ponies in the past. Their kind is never more powerful than in their first several months of that life." Lylac explained. "They have unparalleled senses, absolutely lethal. That's why they are created. A newborn bat pony army doesn't need thousands like a pony army. And no pony army could stand against them. The two most important things to remember are, first... Never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. The second... Never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose. And these aren't the fruit eater kind of bat ponies. These are the blood-sucking type. Meaning if they get their hooves on you, they can suck every ounce of blood from your body in an instant. And you would be dead. Now, shall we begin?" Everyone nodded. Luna? Celestia? Don't hold back." 

First up was Celestia and Luna. "Not in my nature. Don't hold back sister." Celestia said. 

Luna smiled. "Thou wouldnst." The two readied themselves. Charging their horns, ready for any task they were given. 

"Alright, now remember, don’t show any weakness or hesitation. Are you ready?" Lylac said. 

"Thou was born ready," Luna said. Her high levels of confidence made Celestia laugh. 

"I was ready before I was born," Celestia said. 

Lylac rolls her eyes before yelling "Transformation spell Go!" And with that, the duel commenced. 

Swifty Celestia turns into a dragon and Luna turns into Celestia. "Ah, very good, not bad. Shields! Go!" Luna strikes at Celestia with her magic, quickly she creates a shield in front of her. She strikes at Luna, but she uses a forcefield around her as Luna continues to use magic streams getting closer to her, unable to control her shield. Then they both break off their shields which causing everyone to fall back. "Excellent," Lylac said, amazed. 

Rainius and Twilight were next. They attack one another, but Rainius can read Twilight's mind which gives him an advantage against her. He twirls beyond Twilight's grasp, then slams into her delivering a vicious body blow. "Focus on speed, agility, keep your opponent off guard," Lylac says as Rainius brings Twilight to the ground. "Oh, and one more thing." As Rainius turned around, Twilight attacked from behind, bringing him to the ground. "Never turn your back on your enemy. Use their momentum against them." The timberwolves watched the fight, impressed. 

Next was Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Applejack charges at Rainbow Dash with impossible speed, but Rainbow Dash quickly flies out of the way. Applejack lunges several times, her strong arms grabbing at air. Applejack lunges again with similar results until suddenly she freezes Rainbow Dash has her from behind, her teeth an inch from Applejack's throat. "Very nice," Lylac said. 

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