69. Surprises

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Drift grabbed Thistle by the arm and said, "Wait for the last of them to enter."

"Why wait?" Thistle asked.

"You'll see," Drift said, eyeing the attackers. "All right, a protective spell now, please," she added as some of the sorcerers spotted them and began to hurl lightning bolts their way. Thistle frowned, but did as Drift requested. A faint shimmer of gold light sprang up in front of them, and the lightning bounced away.

"Do you see Vultan and Nautilus?" Drift asked.

"Not yet," Thistle said. "That's something to be thankful for, at least."

"We need them. Wait until they come through the gates."

Thistle gave Drift a puzzled look and was about to disagree, but their attention was claimed by an incoming bird. It was stooping out of the dim sky, dropping down toward the Palace doors at an incredible rate. Thistle glanced between Drift and the approaching bird in surprise. The bird was a white Gyrfalcon.

The bird landed next to Drift, popping into Zibellina. "Hi!" she said. "Are you having fun?"

Drift frowned. "If you call this fun," she said. "Why did you come?"

"It's our connection," Zibellina explained. "Because we shared so much magic. I knew what you were doing. And I thought you might like a little help about now."

Drift nodded. "I know," she said.

"Know what?" Zibellina asked.

"About the connection. I can read your thoughts, too. I know you've been with him."

"Oh! Uh, sorry about that."

Drift frowned again. "It can't be helped. The connection, I mean."

"Yes, but..."

"You didn't want me to know what you were doing. I know. And he doesn't realize, does he?"

Zibellina shook her head.

"Here they come!" Thistle warned. "Is Sasha with you?"

"Zibellina shrugged. "He was sleeping when I left. I think I wore him out. We went on a long flight yesterday, and then..." She paused, looking embarrassed.

"Then you kissed. Repeatedly. I know." Drift scowled and turned away to study the approaching sorcerers.

Thistle scowled angrily, but before she could think of what to say, a bolt of lightning demanded her attention.


Outside the gate, Nautilus had given up trying to find Abdera and check the mirror. She decided Abdera must have joined the excited group that had run into the Palace grounds when the gate first opened. Now Nautilus and Vultan were standing in the gate, side by side, examining the scene before them.

"Is someone casting a concealment spell?" Vultan asked. "I see something shimmering in the shadows."

"Probably all sorts of spells," Nautilus pointed out. "There is a fight going on. But even if someone's concealed, there won't be enough people to defend the Palace. It's ours!"

Vultan frowned. "I didn't think it would be this easy."

"Well, they aren't dead yet," Nautilus pointed out. "Let's go after the Princess first. She's guarding the front door."

"Shall I try to read the Queen's mind? I hold her true name," Vultan said.

"Do you?" Nautilus raised an eyebrow. "Handy. But let's get the Princess first. She's by far the most troublesome."

Sarabande: River of Falcons Book 4Where stories live. Discover now