I'm Serious

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Shawn: Hey, what color are we wearing for the New Years party?
Camila: I don't know, do you want to go shopping later?
Shawn: Yeah, okay! I'll pick you up after work :)
Camila: Okay, ill see you later :)

5 hours later,

Shawn: I'm here!
Camila: Going!

Camila runs downstairs, locks the door and meets Shawn.

"Hi"-Shawn smiles

"Ready to go?"-Shawn
"Yes"-Camila smiles

She holds on to his wait and Shawn drives off to the mall.

20 minutes later they arrive, as they walk in she grabs his hand.

"So I was thinking of wearing silver, but I don't know yet"-Camila

"You literally look good in every color"-Shawn smiles

"I get to see you wearing a tuxedo"-Camila squeals

"Yeah, yeah"-Shawn smiles

They walk in to a dress store and Camila tries to find a dress but no luck, so they go to other stores.

"Omg this one is cute!"-Camila
"Let me see"-Shawn

"No, not yet. I'm going to try it on okay"-Camila

"Fine"-Shawn frowns

She tries on three dresses, and the third one was the one she liked the most. She ends up buying it and doesn't show it to Shawn.

"Why won't you let me see the dress?"-Shawn

"I want to surprise you"-Camila

"Okay fine"-Shawn
"Now let's go find you a tux"-Camila

They walk into a tuxedo store, and he starts looking around.

"So should I wear black?"-Shawn

"Yes, and maybe a white button up under with a black bow tie?"-Camila

"Yeah, okay"-Shawn smiles

He tries on suits and finally finds one, including a white button up and a bow tie.

"I'm excited to see you in the dress"-Shawn

"One more day"-Camila smiles

"Well you ready to go?"-Shawn

They leave and head back to Camila's place.

"I'm so tired"-Camila

She falls on her bed, and pulls Shawn with her to lay in her bed too.

"Me too, work was busy"-Shawn


Shawn talks about his day at work and Camila just plays with his hair while listening to him.

"You know I did not sleep at all last night"-Shawn


"Because of what you told me"-Shawn

"Oh"-Camila smiles

"Yeah, like are you 100% ready to be in a relationship with me? I don't want you to think im pressuring you-.."-Shawn

Camila interrupts him by giving him a short kiss.

"I want to be with you, and you're not pressuring me! I just think I should stop avoiding my feelings that I have for you. You're the best thing that has happened to me. You made me a better person"-Camila

Shawn looks at her, and goes straight for a kiss.

"I- you're amazing Camila"-Shawn

"No, you're amazing"-Camila

She rubs his cheek and gives him another kiss, then smiles.

"Do you want to take a nap?"-Camila

"With you? Of course"-Shawn winks

Shawn + Camila Where stories live. Discover now