Forgive me again

554 26 4

Shawn has been calling and texting Camila since the morning but she hasn't replied back.

shawn: babe
shawn: please talk to me

Camila goes to work, and so does Shawn.

"You okay honey?"-Dad
"Yeah, why do you ask?"-Camila

" You look upset"-Dad
"Oh it's nothing I promise"-Camila

She goes to her office and gets to work. Later on that day someone sends her a text.

austin: hey want to meet for lunch?
austin: if you want

Camila says yes and she meets with him for lunch.

"Hey buddy"-Austin
"Hey, how are you?"-Camila

"Good good, you?"-Austin
"I've okay"-Camila shrugs

They sat down and ordered their food, Austin noticed something was wrong with her.

"Everything okay?"-Austin
"Mmm yeah"-Camila

" You look upset... what did Shawn do now?"-Austin
"How did you know?"-Camila

" He's always doing something that upsets you"-Austin

"Fine i'll tell you. Well yesterday we went to one of his friends birthday party and he noticed i got overwhelmed so i waked outside to calm down. Then some guy asks me something and we starts talking he was a really cool person, then Shawn comes out and he does this face and I knew he was jealous because that's the second time he does that. Once the guy leaves we starts arguing and I'm like why are you mad that i'm making friends, does he not trust me, and he starts saying that guys are always coming up to me to get with me. Then some girl comes outside and call him boo, saying that he owes her a shot. Then i got upset and walked out and ask Anderson to pick me up, then he follows me out and we argue more and the part that made me more upset is that he thinks I would cheat on him because of my past... I don't know i'm like are you serious??"- Camila

"Wow okay, well first of all I see where he's coming from I mean look at you, you're gorgeous of course all these guys are going to talk to you. Have you talked to him?"-Austin

"I've been ignoring him today"-Camila

"Damn, well you two need a serious talk about this"-Austin

"We always do, i'm just tired of this arguing "-Camila

"Okay then tell him"-Austin
"I don't know"-Camila

They finish their food, and they both go their separate ways. As Camila is walking to her car someone yells her name.

"Huh oh hey Nicholas"-Camila

"Hey just wanted to ask about last night didn't want to cause any problems between you and your boyfriend"-Nicholas

"Oh no you didn't, he's just a very jealous person"-Camila

"I get that, I lowkey would be too if I was him"-Nicholas smiles

Camila doesn't say anything,

Shawn + Camila Where stories live. Discover now