New Years Party / Surprise

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Shawn: I can't wait to see you tonight!
Camila: Same boo :)
Shawn: Happy New Year's eve by the way!
Camila: Happy New Year's eve :) Omg I forgot I meet your parents again
Shawn: You will be fine don't worry :)

Later on that night, the party is finally set up. People start arriving.

Camila finishes getting ready, and walks downstairs.

"Wow mija you look beautiful"-Dad

"Thanks dad, you look good!"-Camila

"You ready for the party?"-Dad

"Yes i'm excited"-Camila

Guests start walking in,

"Oh I should go"-Dad

"Yeah okay, i'll see you in a bit"-Camila

20 minutes passed and Austin arrives,

"Austin!!"-Camila squeals

"Camila hey!"-Austin smiles

"How was the trip?"-Camila

"It was great, I needed it. How you been?"-Austin

"I bet, and I've been good"-Camila

"How is it going with Shawn?"-Austin smirks

"Pretty good,'have you talked to Hailee?"-Camila

"Nope, and I don't plan to"-Austin

"Well i'm glad you're back"-Camila

Shawn arrives with his parents, he notices Camila and walks towards her.


He couldn't believe his eyes, Camila looked amazing,

"Hi,"-Camila smiles
"Hey Austin!"-Shawn

"Hey man! So, I'm going to get a drink"-Austin smirks

He walks away leaving them alone.


"You look very handsome"-Camila blushes

Shawn is speechless, and just stares at her.

"Shawn, you okay?"-Camila laughs

"Uh yeah I'm good. So you ready to see my parents?"-Shawn

"Yeah"-Camila whispers

"You will be fine, come on"-Shawn

He grabs her hand and walks to where his parents are.

"Hey mom, dad. It's Camila"-Shawn

"Hi nice to see you guys again"-Camila smiles

Shawn's mom hugs her, and his dad shakes her hand.

"Good to see you! I wanted to apologize to you about last time. We feel horrible for how we treated you. I hope you forgive us"-Shawn's dad

"Of course"-Camila smiles

Suddenly, Camila's dad comes

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