Chapter 6: Let's go Deeper

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"Keep calm, young man."

"Wait, you expect me to kept calm? We, out of nowhere, just waltz inside of here with a fainted girl! Don't get me started on that thing. Just what was that?!"

"Just remain calm. Your friend just fainted. A few souls might have taken some looks at us, but it would go farther. This inn, in my knowledge, doesn't care about the circumstances as long as they're are getting paid. Additionally, people went outside to know about the commotion."

Merio clearly stressed, spoke once again. This time, he did so with a fairly calm voice.

"Then answer me. What happened back there?"

The Keeper just sighed. "To be honest, I have no idea. It was already chaos when I got to you two." He sadly said. "But I do know something. The end is coming. My guess is that what happened a while ago is only just the beginning."

Merio gulped. 

"B-but what happened back there... That t-thing... could've taken the lives of thousands of people and you're telling me that it's only just started?"

In a grim manner, the Keeper nodded his head. In utter shock and confusion, Merio sat on the bed beside Rin, who was quietly sleeping. Glancing at her, his face grew to one of worry.

"Then what about Rin. What did you give her? Why was she like that?"

The Keeper gripped on his robed. The truth must not slip. But he had to.

Silence filled the room. Merio kept glancing at Rin and the Keeper. Until finally...


"Oh dear... just where do I start."


The impact zone was utterly immense. A huge crater on the field. Vegetation and rocks flew everywhere. The moon shone brightly upon the uprooted earth, devoid of life. The dust cloud had disappeared and whatever happened, it left only death in its wake. Miles around, trees appeared to be vexed. The unfortunate was either completely vaporized or dead and intact farther out. Four gigantic stone pillars protruded from the ground, reaching high in the night sky.

A person, small and frail, stood on a great mound. A black mask concealed the person's face.  Wearing a garb of black, the dark night blended excellently.

"Such carnage." The person said, in a tone of slight malevolence. "Time for the hunt..."


"Have you calmed down now?" The Keeper asked. Merio, who was just drinking from a cup, nodded.

"So much is going on... I just don't know how to react." He said. "What will happen now? What will happen to Rin?"

Merio looked at the girl to the right of the chair he's sitting on. There, laying on the bed was Rin, still unconscious. Both of them looked at her in concern.

Suddenly, a knock came from the door. A familiar face peered to the room. The innkeeper has gone to them for a crucial message.

"We are very sorry, but we have to evacuate. The officials detected a large amount of dense magic coming from up south. As soon as you are ready, pack your belongings for the evacuation." He said, in a hurry.

"Got it," Merio replied.

Once the innkeeper was gone, they had no problem packing. The Keeper had no carry to begin with. That also goes for Merio. The big concern was Rin. She would be an eyesore for some people. 

"Carry her on your back, sonny." 

"I'll try, but I need to position her fir--"

An intense bloodlust filled the room. Merio stopped dead in his tracks before he can even grab Rin. Merio and the Keeper found it hard to move. The room became ominous and dark. With vision becoming blood-red and their breathing rapid, there was definitely something wrong.

"I never expected someone of this power to be here..." An almost demonic voice echoed. 

"An easy catch."

The voice echoed once more, the tone becoming more poisonous each time. Out of nowhere, a hand, wrapped in a crimson cloth, grabbed Rin's hand. Merio's eyes widened.

The hands showcased a set of sharp claws, yet they are small, almost that of a young person's. Shadows wrapped everything. Merio panicked, while the Keeper kept his composure as a mask of pure ebony appeared. Tiny slits allowed the person to see through it, with Merio spotting eyes the color of the deepest rose. Merio growled.

"I'll take her... but I won't be long. I promise..." The voice almost malignant than it was toxic, spoke.

Like waking up from a nightmare, everything vanished. The bloodlust. The shadows. Everything was gone in a blink of an eye.


          In a well-lit room, riddled with statues, a growing uproar started to explode.

"Where the hell is Five?! He should've been here hours ago!" Someone shouted.

"Be quiet, stone-face. I'm trying to sleep here. I need a good rest once in a while." Another replied. 

"Excuse me?! For the last time, I am Seven. Don't call me stone-face just because I'm a Gargoyle!" Seven replied. "And what do you even do? Do you, Three, even do anything worthy for a measly nap?!"

Three raised his finger at the bickering statue. "Unlike you Gargoyles, we Vampires need rest. Now go back to the hole you crawled out of and cry your heart out there."

If statues could represent color, Seven would be a bright shade of red. "Why you!!!!!"

A woman dressed in fiery orange spoke up from where she is sitting. "Stop your endless whining Seven! And Three, you should have respect for the other members of this Order!" She scolded. Seven scoffed but calmed down. Three just laid there, his arms on his face, ready for a nap.

The woman spoke up again. 

"Why could you be like One? Look at him standing at the corner, all silent and disciplined." She said, pointing to a suit of armor at the corner of the room.

Seven, in the statue of a cat, rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding me, Six? One is a literal Living Armor! He is made that way!" 

"Oh! Stop right there! He may be metal, but he is softer than any limestone statue you've possessed!"

Now, Seven and Six are arguing. One, who was quietly and peacefully watching the whole room from his favorite corner, shook his head.

"Oi, quiet." Three spoke up. Seven and Six stopped their quarrel. "He's here."

"With someone, eh?" Seven added.


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