Chapter 1.5: It begins...

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"Shhh!!!!! Could you stop that?!" Merio shushed at Rin. Rin just looked at him.

"Oh please, I just stepped on a twig." She answered. "No harm is done."

          Merio looked at her in slight annoyance. "How could I show you the art that I mastered if you keep being loud? You'll scare of that Washigi boar over there!" Merio pointed to a large boar with tusk splitting into branches.

"Alright, alright. Make it quick, I want to see how you did after all these years." Rin said, smiling. They were hiding behind a huge boulder, the boar in the fields in front of them, a perfect place for Merio's demonstration.

Merio walked towards the field while Rin stayed. She climbs on top of the boulder to get a clear view. Under the light of the moon, the field shone. The grass waved freely along with the nightly wind. Merio got close the boar, but not close enough for the boar to notice him.

Raising his hand towards the boar, he muttered, "Art of Lightning:  Outburst!"

Suddenly, Merio's arm began to glow. In a flash, a huge burst of electricity shot out from his hand and towards the boar. It hit directly, vaporizing its target. The surrounding vegetation caught on fire from the extreme heat produced. Merio then struck his hand to the ground.

"Art of Oceans: Reservoir!"

Almost immediately, fountains of water sprayed from the ground around him, eliminating the growing fire. The water continued to flow from the ground, creating large puddles. Satisfied, Merio looked back at Rin. In her eyes, glittered amazement and awe.


I know I said that last time is the final moment where I will have a talk with you, but that will wait. 

"What is it this time, great one?"

The seal...

It is being broken faster as we speak...

It won't be long for them to reach your world and the others.


"That was amazing! You really did learn a lot!" Rin praised. Merio blushed and cockly raised his head.

"O-of course! I am great after all!" He then laughed with pride. With the kindled field behind them, they set off for another in the rocky paths. With the moon above them, the scenery never faltered. Roadside torches provided an eerie but plentiful glowed among the surroundings, the light fainting beyond what the torches could reach.

"So now you've seen the water and lightning arts. I can't wait to show you my other three!" Merio excitedly shouted. Then he noticed the blades strapped on Rin's hip scabbards. "How about you? Can you show me your weapon skills?"

Rin looked at him straight in the eyes. She knew they were full of expectations. "Hmm, I don't know..." She cheekily trailed off.

"Oh come on!" Merio complained. He knew that Rin was always humble of her abilities. He wanted to know so bad.

"Then how abou-"

Merio was cut off by a large explosion at the rice paddies to their right. Bright bluish-green light had bombarded the field. A beam of circulating magic enveloped the light. Smoke and debris flew everywhere. An explosion equal to that of a Natami detonation. A shockwave went towards Rin and Merio.

Bracing for the insanely strong wind, they kept their bearings. "What the-" Merio muttered under his breath. "What the hell is this?!"

"I think... I think this is a stellar blink!" Rin replied, barely holding on. The aftershock was awfully strong.

"Stella-what?!" Merio asked through gritted teeth. Rin replied quick.

"Points in s-space that matter can p-pass through! But this one isn't anything we've known!"

The wind was not weakening. The impact had also sent debris initially, but none reached them as they are far away enough, yet...

A rock, almost as large as a ball, flew with great speed. Whizzing through the air, it went straight for the two, who were not noticing the danger for the wind was too distracting.

Until the last moment...



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