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Louis' Pov

"but, why would she go into the closet?  There is obviously something in there!  She should just run!" Aurora said, talking to no one specifically.

Aurora, Harry, Niall and I were watching a movie when Zayn came in, smelling of beer and various alcohols.  His face was filled with mixed emotions and tears.  Niall waved to Zayn, but he ignored him and walked to his room.

"what happened to Zayn today?" Aurora asked concerned.  I looked down at my hands in my lap, I guess its sorta my fault because I let him go over there.

"Louis?" Harry asked.  I looked up at Aurora for a split second, which I regret because she was giving me the pure death glare.  She was always smart enough to figure out when I did something wrong.  I looked down at my hands in my lap and played with them.

"Um..." I trailed off.

"Louis!  What.  Happened?" Aurora asked in a firm voice.  She may be very girly and shit regularly but that's only half of her, well about half anyways.

"I..... um...... let him go to..... ah.......... Destiny's house......." I said in a low voice.  I could almost feel the fire in her eyes.  Why in the world did I let him go over there?

Aurora's Pov

I felt furious at Lou, just furious!  Why would he let Zayn go over there?!  Zayn was finally at least STARTING to be less depressed and now THIS?

"you okay, babe?" Harry asked and put his hand on mine. 

"yeah, I'm going to talk to Zayn, why don't you come, too.  Niall, please, stay here and make sure Lou doesn't do anything he might regret!" I said.  I meant every word of that sentence.  If Lou does one more this he is going to be in a horror movie, and not everyone lives at the end!  Harry flashed me a smile and Niall nodded.

"lets go, babe" Harry stood up.  I stood up with him and we walked to the back of the flat, where the bedrooms were.

"Harry, wait out here for a second, I'll tell you when to come in" I whispered to Harry.

"are you sure?  Zayn turns into a completely different person when he's upset and drunk, even violent sometimes" Harry whispered, worried.

"positive, babe, I'll be fine" I assured him and gave him a peck in the cheek.  I silently opened Zayn's door and looked back at Harry to assure him once more that I'll be okay.  He still looked concerned, but he tried his best to give me a smile.  I walked in and closed the door behind myself.

"Zayn?" I said quietly, using a gentle and sweet voice.  He was face down on his bed and I sat on the very edge.

He let out a grunt sort moan noise, but I don't know what to make of that.

"Zayn, what happened?" I asked.  He sat up and came next to me.  I could smell all the beer and other drinks he had on the way home.

"you want to know what happened?" he asked, his tone hard to figure out what he was going to do next.

"I went over there, she cuts herself, I told her to stop, and we made out, then Cher took her away without a word.  But she looked thankful someone took her from me!  She was god damn happy about it!" his voice rose.

He stood up and I stood up too, making sure I made myself seem at least stronger than I am.  I have to head Harry's warning about Zayn, just to be safe.

"Zayn, just calm-"

"NO!  You don't understand!" Zayn's voice rose even more.  Its a good thing I had Harry wait outside because the last thing I want is Harry to try and tell Zayn to calm down.

Suddenly, I don't even know what happened to Zayn.  He stepped forward and before I could back up his lips smashed hard into mine.  I tried my best to pull away from him, but he is a lot stronger when he is drunk and angry.  I hit him with my arms and try to squirm out of the crushing grip me has on my waste.

His tongue shoots in my mouth and that's when I get just plain pissed.  I bite down hard on his tongue and he immediately releases me. 

"you little bitch!" Zayn almost yells at me.  I try to step back but I am not fast enough and the back of his hand meets my face, the the front, then the back again.

After taking five hits, /i fall down.

"HARRY!" I shriek as soon as I can.  I couldn't scream with Zayn slapping me over again and again.  Tears pour from my eyes and I grip my face with my hands, just leaving room so I can open my right eye.

Harry burst in the room about two seconds after I called his name and thank god!  Zayn was stepping closer to me to most likely do it again.  Harry rushed in and pinned Zayn to the wall. Niall and Lou came rushing into the room.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!  BITCH!  WHORE!  SLUT!" Zayn continuously shouts the words at me.

Niall and Lou helped me up but I was still absolutely enraged with Zayn.  I do NOT just sit around and be treated like that!  No!  He has another thing coming!

"ZAYN!  I SWEAR TO GOD THE NEXT TIME YOU YELL ANY OF THOSE WORDS AT ME YOU WILL BE SO SORRY!" I screamed at him from halfway across the room.

"BITCH!" he yelled.

And that was it.  I came at him.  I pushed Harry off of Zayn and got zayn on the ground and pinned him.

"say it again" I threatened.

"go ahead, see what happens" I said.

"b-itch" Zayn said.

I lost it.  I pulled my hand as far back as I could and brought it to his face, slapping him.  I back handed him, then front hand, them back hand, and front hand.

When I felt he hand enough I let go of my grip on his shirt and Niall and Lou helped me up. 

"at least someone loves me" Zayn mumbled.  That boy just doesn't know when to stop.  I turned around and looked him in the eyes.

"no one loves me?  NO ONE LOVES ME?  EX-FUCKING-CUSE ME ZAYN BUT YOU MIGHT WANT TO LOOK BACK AT HOW THIS ALL CAME TO BE!  AND YOU KNOW WHAT, I AM GLAD DESTINY LEFT YOU!  YOU DON'T DESERVE MORE THAN SHIT!  NO ONE LOVES YOU ZAYN!  LOOK AT WHERE YOU ARE!  BEAT UP, DRUNK AND BROKEN HEARTED!  YOU THINK THAT'S LOVE?  You know I protected you!  I helped you through all this!  I was there for you!  And I get this shit in return?  Then you know what, you can do it all on your own.  Because I am done with this shit!  so don't come in here drunk and crying and expect ANY sympathy!  I am done Zayn!  I hope she doesn't give a fuck about you because no one should." I said. 

I stormed out of the room with Harry following.  I walked into his room and he closed the door behind us.  I looked at him and broke into tears.  He held me tight and rubbed my back.

"I don't know what happened, Harry!  He just came at me and I bit him and, and he slapped me!" I cried into his shirt.

"it's alright, love.  Everything is going to be okay" Harry told me.  I snuggled my hed into his chest.

"okay" I murmur.

"wait, what do you mean you 'bit' him?" Harry asked.  I pulled away so me could see my face.

I was just talking to him, them he stood up so I stood up and next thing I know he is trying to kiss me!  I tried to get him off but I couldn't, them his tongue slipped into my mouth so I bit it to make him get off" I replied.

"come on, babe, lets go see what we can do about your cheeks." Harry said.  My hands were still covering my cheeks so I lift them there till we got to the kitchen.  I took my hand off my cheeks and looked down at them, they had blood.

The One That Got Away (A Zayn Malik/ Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now