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Aurora's Pov

********Le Next Morning********

I woke up in Harry's bed alone.  I looked around his room, clean and neat, like always.  The sun shone through his curtains, bringing light into it.  I got up and walked to the bathroom, my cheeks weren't much better than yesterday.  Swollen, red, painful.  I was still upset with Zayn.  I walked out to the kitchen, where Harry and Louis were fighting over pancakes while Niall was behind them eating them.

"boys?  Boys?  Boys!" I finally yelled.  They all stopped and looked at me. 

"morning!" they all chimed.  I tried to smile, but it hurt, making me cup my face in my hands.  I walked to them and Harry kissed my cheek gently not to hurt me, Louis and Niall both hugged me.

"sleep well?" Niall asked me.

"okay, I guess, its hard to sleep with my cheeks like this..." I said.  I got sympathetic looks all around. 

"u-, um guys?" a timid voice from behind said.  We all turned to see Zayn, he looked terrible.  My hands balled into fists, I was hurt and angry.  Harry grabbed my hand, even though it was still a fist.

"Aurora, don't go doing anything we'll regret" Harry whispered into my ear.  I angrily/fakely smiles to Zayn as a small warning that I was still upset.

"don't be silly" I joked to Hazza.  He raised an eye brow, but I ignored the gesture.  My phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it out, then answered.

"hey!" Eleanor's joyful voice rang through the phone.

"hi" I replied, a little less excited.  I wasn't really upset with El, but being upset with Zayn put off the happier mood I woke up with.

"what's wrong, babe?" she asked, worried.  She is such a sweet hearted girl, no one had ever had the heart to dislike her.

"too much for my likings" I answered her.

"sorry to hear that!  Anyways, I was invited to Justin Bieber's birthday and  I want you to come along too!" she beamed.

"um, when is this?" I asked.

"tonight!  Come on, I need you to come!  Louis is coming, you can bring Harry too!  Please, I'll be a total klutz without you!" she told me.  That was true.  If she was nervous and I wasn't there to tell her to relax she'd stutter non-stop and knocks over, trips over and/or breaks anything.  She doesn't do it intentionally, it just sorta happens with her.

"yeah, yeah, I'll go" I agreed, masking some excitement.  No, I'm not really a big fan of Justin's, but he does have some great songs.

"great!" she sighed of relief.

"but, lets go dress shopping, I want to get a new dress" I said.  I love all my dresses but I want something just breathtaking, something ravishing!

"okay, where are you?" she asked.

"Harry's flat, but Louis, Niall and Zayn are over too" I replied.

"cool, I'll swing by and pick you up, get your stuff ready!" she said.

"kay, call when you're here!  Bye!" I told her, then hung up the phone.

"who called?" asked Harry.

"Eleanor, by the way we're going to a party tonight with El amd Lou!" I informed him before walking out of the kitchen and to Harry's bedroom where I had slept.  I picked up my clothes from his dresser and locked the door.  I stripped down to my bare body and put on clean undergarments I'd had hidden in his bathroom.  I slipped on my white floral print top and light blue jean shorts.  I added my owl necklace and a ring with a blueish green gem.

I put on my yellow Vans and threw my old clothes into the hamper and shoved my phone in my back pocket.  I throw my hair into a high ponytail and trot back out to the living room to wait.

"where you going, babe?" Harry asked.

"dress shopping with El, the party is formal so, look nice" I told him.

"I got this!" he yelled.  You giggle a little at how silly he acts.

"I'm sure you do.  Louis, don't let him be too crazy while I'm gone" I instructed Lou playfully.  He gave a fake solute and half marched, half stomped around the kitchen.  My phone vibrated once again and I answered.

"I'M HERE!" El chimed.

"see ya!" I yelled.  I pecked Harry on the cheek and waved to everyone else as I trotted out the door and to Eleanor's car.

"ready to go?" she asked.  She smiled brightly and put down the top of her car, her modeling job had really taken off, but she still continued her studies.  Luckily both of us had our hair up so there wouldn't be hair flying around her car.

"lets go, babe!" I  said.


So, here it is!  As promised, an update!  I know this isn't my absolute best but, just chill, sit back and enjoy the story as it comes!  please comment/fan/vote !!  I love you!  Ciao!  xx

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