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*You can play the song if you want to*


I couldn't believe it.

He was cheating on me with a goddess. My body was numb, my thoughts was empty and my heart shattered into tiny pieces.

I stood there staring at them disgustingly. Not knowing what to do, I heard a voice speak up.

"L-luna it's not what it looks like" Meliodas said as I noticed his eyes were emerald green and his demon crest was gone, I never knew he had green eyes.

"I promised you Lun remember" He added as he slowly walked closer to me.

My body was filled with pain and anger and him saying that made me feel a sting on my chest.

"P-promised? Huh, I am such an idiot believing that. No I take it back... I am such an ASSHOLE TO EVER LOVE YOU! YOU FUCKING LIAR!! You said I was your heart and the only girl you would love. I was worried what happened to you after not returning with your crew but, guess it was for nothing. Was I too ugly for you? Was I too weak? WAS I NEVER ENOUGH FOR YOU TO FUCK THIS BITCH!!!" I screamed at him as my vision was getting blurry with my tears.



"Dont you ever in a thousand years talk to me again. Apologize all you want but your nothing but a liar and a manipulator. I am nothing to you anymore, not even your acquaintance and it goes the same to you" I told him in a cold expression.

"As for you" I said as I looked at the flour looking goddess.

"When I meet you again.. I WONT HESITATE TO KILL YOU" I warned her as a smirk appeared on her face.

"Oh please you can try" she told me. I stared at her one more time before teleporting back into the demon realm.

I teleported myself to my room and broke down. I cried and cried feeling hurt and betrayed.

I never knew the person I love would just leave me like that and,

all he said was just a lie.
Heyoo i kinda teared up on this chapter lmfao
Hope you enjoy it
And hopefully i can update really soon
I know this is really short but its better than nothing am i right:)
Word Count: 405

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