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"Don't Go"

Luna's POV

I was actually having a good sleep when someone broke my circle.

"Finally!" Ban exclaimed. I looked at them confused and, i looked around. "Woah? um where are we?" i asked them but, they all had fear in their face.

"What is going on and Where is MEL-" i stopped when i felt a familiar magic. No. i thought to myself.

I quickly teleported to him. There, i stood still with shock. My eyes widen, my heart beated so fast it felt like it was going to explode and, goosebumps run through my body. Meliodas hands were sliced. Two things shocked me the most, Meliodas has his crest on his face which means....he is using it.

Then, there stood my long time bestfriend, someone who was a brother to me, someone who loved me when no one could, he was always there for me and, i just left him without a word.

Meliodas took his hand back and, was going to hit Zeldris when i stepped in the middle and, froze them. I was out of breath, i was nervous to face him again.

"Z-zeldris..' i said as i finally found my voice and un froze them. I looked at him but, he didn't show any sign of joy to see me, i know what i did and, i dont really expect it.

"Zeldris...Stop" i said to him. "Luna. Look at you, betrayed us like how he did, you left without saying a word. You even took the eternal potion with you." He said to me with anger.

My heart was stinging so much that it hurt. "Zeldris.. please let me explain-","explain what? how you betrayed us? how you were not so grateful for what my father gave to you?" he asked me.

"I AM OK! He did so much things for me that, my biological father couldn't. I did not betray you. That night, i left the realm to see if Meliodas was ok but, I saw him making out with another goddess. That night, led me to the potion room. For the demon king's sake, i was going to kill myself. That's how bad it hurted, i was going to but i heard someone coming and i quickly grabbed and drank the wrong bottle" I said to him as tears were forming in my eyes.

"Bullshit" he said sternly.

My eyes widened. "So we are making up stories now? Just tell me Luna, you left with him didn't you? You guys helped the goddesses." he said to me. I couldnt hold my tears anymore and, i let it fall.

"It's not!!! BELIEVE ME!!! PLEASE!!! YOU'RE MY BESTFRIEND ZELDY...please.." i said as i kneeled down in front of him and cried.

Without hesitating, he kicked me which led me to fall hard on the ground. I saw Meliodas coming towards me to see if i was alright.

"ZELDRIS!!" i screamed in tears. He looked at me and said, "you were my bestfriend but, now you are my enemy". Those words stung my heart so much, I did not want to be his enemy. I was going to him but, Derieri and Monspeet held me back. I was trying to break loose but, for some reason i couldnt.

Then, i saw them fighting Meliodas. One by one, they punched him like he was a punching bag. He was getting weaker because of it. Then, Estarossa walked up to him.

Meliodas was weak and could barely move. i tried my best to break loose and, casted as much spells as i could but, could not move. I did not tell Meliodas but, my necklace was in my book the whole time. Now, its on my pocket and all i have to do is cast it.

But, someone froze me. There, with me being useless, i saw Estarossa placing a sword to all of Meliodas' hearts. By the time he placed the last sword, Meliodas was gone. My heart shattered into pieces.

Then, everyone left. I was un froze and, i ran up to him.

"M-Melli, please wake up. please" i said as tears flowed on my face uncontrollably.

He was badly beaten up, that i carefully i picked him up and placed him on my knee. "Meliodas please... i am really sorry. Please, Meliodas wake up. Wake the fuck up!!!" i said as i cried out loud.

"I still love you..........."
Wow, Zeldris is a bitch🤣
Word count:

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