pinch yourself to see if it's real; jason todd

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- soulmate au in which if you get hurt, so does your soulmate;
-requested by someone i'm sorry i forgot who :( ;
- warnings : some swearing;
-i'm sorry for not updating in a long while, but i'm back now with a lot of storiesss
-also, this is unedited. comment if you see mistakes (english isn't my first language)


when you turn eighteen, whenever you got hurt, that pain inflicted on your soulmate as well. what was weird, though, is that [your name] was twenty-one and she still hadn't felt anything. maybe she didn't had a soulmate?

she never felt pain coming from anywhere but the bruises or cuts that happened on her behalf. but never her body hurt when she didn't have any scar on her body. it was weird, seeing people around her being with others and her friends wincing from now and then due to their soulmate doing something wrong and inflicting pain on both of them.

and then everything changed. one day, she started feeling the other person's pain. she could feel every bruise and every cut her soulmate felt. something was out of the ordinary though, because it felt like her soulmate was hurt every single day.

she couldn't understand what was her soulmate doing, how could he or she feel so much pain. one day, the pain nearly destroyed [your name], to the point that she began asking herself if her soulmate is even alive anymore.

but he or she was alive. [your name] could still feel their pain. one time, she was just in her apartment cleaning, when the worst pain she ever felt started. it was like someone shot her soulmate close to the heart, because she felt like she couldn't breathe. nothing was appearing on her skin, which she felt relived about, but she was really questioning her soulmate's whereabouts. and she really wanted to meet them.

and one day, she met him.

she was walking back to her apartment with her earphones connected in, and not knowing what was really happening around her. there were some really creepy men following her while she hummed softly to the music she was listening to.

all of a sudden, one of the men ripped the earphones and threw them down, making the girl more aware of what was happening. she gasped, taking a few steps back, only to be met by the other's man chest. she turned around again, trying to escape, but she was caught between the two.

"well, well, well. what do we have here? what are yoy doing out this late, baby girl?" one of the creeps spoke out, making [your name] roll her eyes.

being the big mouthed girl she is, [your name] couldn't bite back the snarky remark she had for the man, so she smirked and eyed the man, trying to intimidate him even if she was scared as fu*k inside her mind.

"what are you doing out this late? isn't it past your bed time?"

just as the two men were about to hit her, one of them was shot in the arm, while the other just stood there watching shocked and looking around to see from where did that bullet came from.

and then there he was. it was the famous red hood, with his big, intimidating red helmet and his normal yet really hot clothes. all [your name] could think about is how the tv's don't do justice to this man's body.

red hood started to fight the other man who wasn't shot, mostly winning, because the men were just homeless, out of his league men. they couldn't even throw a punch. and that's when it happened.

the one that was shot took a knife from his boot and stabbed red hood in his foot, which caused him to inhale sharply, but he continued fighting the other one so he could finish the one that he already shot. but imagine his surprise when he heard the girl yelling out in pain.

red hood quickly punched the shot man in the face, knocking him out, before turning his attention on the girl. he saw her gripping her teeth and inhaling sharply before her [your eye's color] eyes lifted and locked with his. well, with his helmet. he saw through her eyes the confusion she had, and then he saw her eyes lighting up, like she realised something.

[your name] quickly grabbed red hood's foot, turning it around to see where the vigilante was stabbed, much to the man's protests.

"what the fuck are you doing, woman? i just saved your butt and you're yelling like i fucking hit you. and then, you fucking grab my foot? what is wrong with you?" he replied, yelling out, confused and honestly weirded out.

but [your name] had enough time to see that the place where he was stabbed was, indeed, the place she felt the pain.

"that would make senses. because you're a vigilante and you get hurt a lot." she started whispering, mostly to herself, but red hood heard her.

"are you going crazy? should i take you to the hospital? men, did those men really hurted you? i thought i got here on time."

"no, silly. look. actually, feel." [your name] giggled, lifting up her sleeve so she could expose her naked arm.

red hood was very confused about everything that was happening. he thought the woman was crazy, and was ready to take her to get checked up, but then, she pinched herself. but that was not the weird part.

the weird part was that he felt it too. right on his left arm, close to the wrist. just where she pinched herself. he looked as his arm, which still hurt a little, then back at her, shaking his head.

"it makes sense. why i felt so much pain : because you're fighting every night. oh my god." she laughed, looking up at the beautiful sky in gotham. "and i thought i didn't have a soulmate."

"you still don't." he replied, making the girl look back at him with her smile faltering.

"what do you-"

"even if we really are soulmates, something i don't really believe, i don't want you to have anything to do with me." red hood spoke, starting to get away from the girl, but [your name] was having none of it.

"why? because you have a dangerous life style? i don't care about that! we're soulmates! we're supposed to be in love and-"

"i don't even know you, for fuck's sake!" he cut her off, turning back to her, startling the girl with his loud voice.

she took a few steps back, afraid of what the man could do. after all, he had guns and all and he made it very clear that he didn't care about the soulmate situation.

"we'll never be together. get that through your little head."


"i don't want to hear it." he cut her off again, which pissed the girl off.

"ok you know what? i was so excited to finally meet my soulmate, but he's such an arrogant ass. i don't know what happened in your past, because something had to happen for you to be so afraid, but you know what? i don't even care anymore. i wish you wouldn't come here tonight, to save me. please, as you are so informed and have a lot of relations, find some way to break this soulmate thing because you're hurting me a lot, both physically and mentally." she yelled out, mad and hurt, with tears spilling from her eyes.

why was she so effected by the words of an unknown man? she shook those thoughts and glanced one last time at the man in front of her, mostly at his helmet, before she began to walk away, forgeting about her earphones.

and that's how red hood started to care about someone.

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