disappointment; tim drake

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-warnings : strong language, some low thoughts;
-this is a tim one-shot, although it's also with bruce - the relationship between bruce and the reader it's a father-daughter one (she isn't his daughter though);


[your name] was new to the whole bat thing. she wasn't as good as her partner, red robin, but she tried. she tried so hard to make batman proud, but tonight, she just messed everything up. she slipped a little, making their whole plan blow up.

"i fucked up, alfred." she said to the old man as he stiched her open wound up. "i always do." she whispered, mostly to herself, but alfred caught what she said.

"oh, dear. don't ever say that. yes, you made a mistake, but that's what people do. no one is keeping you a grudge." he replied, hugging the girl close.

"[your name]!" a yell was heard, making the young girl widen her eyes.

bruce walked towards her, his face showing how angry he was, and honestly? [your name] didn't blame him. she messed up big time, but only because she saw damian being stalked by penguin. penguin was going to attack him, and she only wanted to help, at least that's what she tried. instead, she tripped, falling on her arm and getting the attention of everyone in the room, blowing up their cover.

"i told you to be quiet! you only had one job, and couldn't even do that." he told the young girl, who had tears appearing on the corner of her [your eye color] eyes. she was always a disappointment to him. she knew that if alfred wasn't her uncle, bruce would never had her on the team.

"i'm sorry, i really am, it's just that-"

"i don't want to hear it!" he furiosly cut her off, making the girl's eyes widen wider at his angry tone. "you never do anything right! you always mess things up. i don't even know why you're in the team, as you clearly are useless!" he yelled at her, and as soon as the words were out his mouth, bruce reggreted them. he didn't meant any of it, he was just afraid to lose her as he considered her his own daughter. so when he saw her beaing beaten up, he just lost it.

"master bruce!" alfred yelled at him, while [your name] was shocked. sure, she was almost always lectured by bruce, but he never told her what she feared the most. that she is useless.

everyone in the cave looked between bruce and [your name]. damian had an angry look in his gaze, directed at his father. he didn't like [your name] very much, but he liked her the most out of all the family members. so, hearing his father say such hateful words toward her made him angry. tim, on the other hand, looked sad at [your name]. he knew how much she wanted to impress bruce, and how hard she trained every night when they all slept. he knew those words will have a very big effect on her.

"[your name], i didn't-"

"no, you're right." she whispered, cutting bruce off, walking out of the cave. as she walked out, tim attacked the dark knight.

"what is wrong with you? how could you tell her that?" he yelled at him, making bruce widen his eyes at his sudden outburst.

"even i think you took things too far, father." damian replied, rolling his eyes and going upstairs to find [your name].

"you have no idea what you've done!" tim continued, his features being overcomed by anger. " she always doubts herself. she trains harder than anyone else here, she pushes herself harder than everyone, and you just amplify her doubts? she always cared about what you said, even though i can't understand why. she always wanted to impress you, to make you proud, and what do you do? give her crap just because she slipped? it could have happened to anyone!" he yelled in the man's face, making bruce realise what he really had done.

tim scoffed, walking out the cave, leaving bruce with alfred. he knew alfred will scold him as well, so he left bruce in his hands, and tried to find [your name]. he soon found her on a balcony, with damian hugging her. yes, big grumpy damian was actually trying to confort [your name], as he considered the girl his kind of big sister.

"[your name], you know he didn't meant anything he said. he was just angry." damian told her, rubbing his hand along the sobbing mess [your name] was.

"he said it like he meant it." tim heard the girl sobbing, nearly chocking on her words, shivering because of the cold air of the night. he took a blanket from a room, walking to the two and placing it on [your name]'s trembling shoulders. she thanked him while he took a place next to her.

"don't beat yourself up, [your name]. he will come around, i could say from his face that he regrets what he said." tim told her, hugging her while she sobbed harder in his chest. damian was just looking at the two,debating if he should leave or not.

"but everything he said it's true!" she suddenly yelled, lifting her head up from tim's warm chest. " i always fuck things up. no matter how hard i try, i'll never be nearly as good as you are, guys. let's face it : i'm just a loser, pretending to be what she isn't. a wannabe. a-"

"you're not a loser, [your name]." tim cutted her off, cupping her face. "you're sweet, and funny, and really clever. you may be a little clumsy, but you also are a good warrior, a smart one. you made a mistake tonight, but we all did at one point. you can't do that to yourself, you can't tell yourself that."

"yeah, if father is too blind to see how good you are, fuck him." damian said, laughing.

"language, dami." [your name] said, whispering to him.

"you are sensational, [your name] [your last name]." tim whispered to her, making the girl gain enough courage to kiss him. tim was taking aback by this, but quickly kissed her back, while damian just groaned.

"i'll take this as my que to leave." damian said, covering his eyes, making the two laugh in their kiss.

they stayed a little longer on the balcony, just talking nonsense and with [your name] opening up about herself and how she felt, when suddenly a voice stopped her.

"can i talk to you, [your name]?" bruce said, making tim wrap his arm tighter around the girl, shooting a glare towards him.

"yeah, sure." she said, stuttering. bruce looked at tim, and tim looked back at him. "tim, it's ok. you can leave us alone." [your name] continued, making the red robin roll his eyes and kiss her cheek as he lifted himself off the cold floor of the balcony and walked inside the house.

"when did that happen?" bruce asked, taking tim's place next to the young girl.

"just now." she replied, whispering, her eyes not leaving the sight of gotham city in front of her. she couldn't dare to look in his eyes, afraid to see the hate they may have kept.

"[your name], i'm sorry." bruce said after a while of them just looking at the city. " i need you to know that i never meant what i said. you are a member of the bats because of your talents. you are a talented, girl, [your name], you're not useless as i said. i only said that because i was angry, angry at mostly myself for not protecting you as i promised i would. you were beaten up pretty bad, so i blame myself-"

"no! no, bruce, it was not your fault!" the girl quickly cutted him off, turning her eyes to his. " you did nothing wrong-"

"neither did you." it was his time to cut her off. "i took my anger out on you, but i need you to understand that you have a great role in the bat family, in our family." he said, hugging the girl. "i'm sorry i said what i said to you. i never meant it." he repeated himself, while [your name] hugged him back.

"no, it's ok, i get it." she replied, smiling at him, at the man she considered her second father.

"so, you and tim...want to talk about it?"

"oh god, no!" she exclaimed, burying her head in her hands while bruce laughed.

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