The Nightmares Can Be Everlasting, But Dreams Are Worthwhile (Cptr. 11) (Pt.1)

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Yo people, MURDER TRIGGER WARNING. There is killing in this chapter.

"You'll never go back!" Bob said, yanking my arm, hands tied behind my back and mouth covered by tape. He dragged me on the concrete floor, down a long hallway. His white shirt covered in blood stains and black jeans probably even more ripped than when he bought them. I thrashed around, trying to escape his grip that only got tighter.

He brought me into a dark place that reminded me of an abandoned jail. He threw me into a cold and clammy cell, tears streaming down my face. I could see the eyeliner-filled water droplets fall to the floor as he closed the cell door. I wiggled my way over to the iron bars, soon meeting his eyes. His face was too, covered in blood. He chuckled as I still struggled, still trying to get my hands free. 

"Now you will know what it's like to be held in a place against your own will." He whispered, his evil smile not leaving his lips. I furrowed my brow, trying to make myself look mad and then tried to scream, the tape denying to move. This only made me sob louder. Then I heard a sound like a door opening... then a voice.

"Maddy?!" I heard Billie. My emotions went from happy to then complete utter panic. 

"MmMmmm!" I tried to warn Billie about Bob. He had the same pistol from when he was in the house. I looked over at Bob, who now was standing up and cocking the pistol. (Is it cocking or is it loading? Sorry, I don't know guns that well.) He was walking towards Billie, shrouded in the darkness so he couldn't spot.

"MADDY! We need to-" Billie's voice was cut off by the cold pistol held against his head. He now started to cry, but not over the fact he was going to die. 

"So long and good night, fucker." Bob said, sending a bullet through Billie's head. It was like slow motion. Billie's eye's closed, his tears falling forward instead of towards the ground. Blood splattered everywhere. I screamed out, finally ripping the tape off my face with my mouth. 

"WHAT DID YOU DO, YOU SICK SHIT?!" I yelled, bringing my tied hands over and banging on the bars. My tears felt like it was ripping off the skin from my face. I looked at him, knowing my face was all disoriented and somewhat broken, just like my heart.

"I killed the only one you loved. Now you have to love me." Bob said with a snarl as I still looked at Billie's body, lying there helpless. 

I said I would protect him. I let him die. I let out the most ear piercing scream ever. 

I woke up, still screaming. My head throbbing from the pain and crying hot tears, just like the dream. I ran my hands though my hair, trying to hide my face. No, Billie wasn't dead. I said I would protect him. I looked over to where Billie should've been laying, but he was gone. Was he really dead? I let out a whine and continued crying.

"Maddy! Oh my lord, are you ok?" Billie said, coming out of the bathroom, still shirtless and in what he had slept in. I shook my head as he pulled me into his chest, letting me let out the rest of my tears. 

"No... the nightmare..." I said in between sobs. It had been three days since Bob was put into jail and I kept having the same nightmare ever since. It was horrible. 

"I'm right here. I'm not dead." He said, smiling and rubbing my back trying to comfort me. I closed my eyes, wheezing and coughing whatever sadness I had left. Then sighed.

"I seriously can't think about what I would do without you." I said, whispering. Billie continued to comfort me as he spoke.

"I know, love. Same here." He said, patting my back and then getting up. 

"I'm going to go get breakfast ready, K? Don't go back to sleep. I don't know what will happen, what you might dream of. Best to stay awake now that the day started." He said, slipping out of the room. I smiled and wiped the tears away from my eyes. I slowly got up, only to see my writs red from what seemed like some type of rope burn. Stupid interactive dreams.

I walked over to Billie's drawer, to lazy to go get my own clothing, and grabbed one of his hoodies and ripped jeans. They weren't that big on me, considering he was just a few inches taller than me. I kept my hair down and pulled the hood over my head to cover part of my messy hair. I walked to the kitchen where Billie was making waffles. I snuck up behind him and attacked him with a hug, laughing.

"AGH!" He laughed as I knocked him to the floor. He blushed as he noticed I was wearing his clothes. I quickly kissed him and helped him get up. 

"Why are you wearing my hoodie... and my favorite pair of jeans?"He asked, his blush not going away. 

"Because I can." I said in a confident attitude. Billie laughed and hugged me back, pulling me in.

"Your gonna help me make waffles." He said, placing his hands on mine. He brought them up to the waffle iron and somehow we managed to make at least five waffles, but still getting messy in the process. 

After a while of making waffles, we laid on the couch together, watching MTV for no reason. Billie held me on his lap, my head resting right by his shoulder. He was trying to feed me waffles, just like some weird cliche couple thing. We both blushed and giggled like little children, critiquing people on the TV.

"That dude's forehead is to big." He said, pointing to a man on the TV. I laughed, agreeing.

"At least he can sing." I said. It took a while for Billie noticed this was a playful insult to him. 

"Hey! I can sing. You've heard me." He said, smiling, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled.

"Yeah, but not enough. How could you say your in a band if you don't sing out loud that often." I said, poking his leg. He huffed. 

"Yeah yeah. Fine i'll sing more... only if you sing too." He said. I smiled and agreed with him. He turned me around so now I was facing him. His eyes traced my face. 

"What?" I said, looking at him. He smiled.

"Your just so beautiful. Sorry if that sounds cheesy." He said, lightly taking my chin. I closed his eyes as his lips got closer to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and right before our lips collide, the doorbell rang. We looked at each other, than the door.

"I'll get it." I said, walking towards the door. Billie quickly ran into his room to put a shirt on as I opened the door. 

"Maddy." Mike said, standing out in the rain.

"What... when did you leave the house... where's Tr-" I started. Mike shook his head and looked at me.

"Trust me, nothing's wrong. You gotta see this though." Mike said with a smile, grabbing my wrist and laughing to himself. 

"Billie! Quickly! Mike is here! He wants to show us something... I have no idea whats going on, but it must be good!" I called out. Mike nodded.

"It's about Gerard and May and the rest of his band. They have good news. Two pieces of good news." He said. Billie quickly walked out of the room, smiling. We got our boots and shoes on and walked out into the pouring rain and into Mikes car. 

Why hello peoples. 1381 words. Since I have no idea what to write, until I get the next good idea, i'm going to make this next chapter just a nice, wholesome good chapter. That's why the title is a part on of the 'Nightmares can be everlasting, but dreams are worthwhile.' So yeah, just a nice few chapters until I get some good ideas. I'm just listing to Cavetown and in a good mood. Ok, I hoped you like this. Bye now :) 


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