Just a random chapter filled with happiness :) (Cptr. 13)

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"Good morning, love." I heard someone whisper into my ear. I smiled, recognizing Billie's voice, but not opening my eyes.

 I groaned and turned away so he couldn't see my face. I could feel his weight shifting from his side of the bed. I turned around and opened one eye to see that he was gone. With confusion, I slowly turned onto my back, facing the ceiling, wondering what I was going to do today. 

I slowly got up from the bed, walking over to Billie's dresser and pulling out a baggy hoodie. I looked around one more time to make sure that he wasn't around anywhere, even though he's seen me nearly half-naked before. I slowly lifted off my shirt and looked in the mirror and sighed. I had always though that I was fat, making me have major self doubt issues. I had said this before, but remembering Billie's words when I told him this made me smile. I closed my eye's and began to sing to myself.

Billie's P.O.V.

I had hid in my closet, ready to scare Maddy. I saw her get up from the bed and walk over to my dresser and grab one of my hoodies. She must have thought that I was out of the room. I blushed a little to think she was wearing my clothing. After a while, I saw her take off her shirt and I noticed this was probably really weird to just watch her get undressed. I didn't want to end up like Trè, stalking other people. 

Then the most weird but amazing thing happened. Maddy started to sing. She had a voice like an angel, I told her that she should sing more too. She always got embarrassed whenever I brought that up. She was singing Everybody Talks, from what I could hear. 

In the reflection of the mirror, I could see that she had her eyes closed. Perfect timing. I slowly got out of the closet, trying not to make any noise. I walked slowly over to her, looking at her reflection first. Damn she was pretty. 

I blushed as I slowly wrapped my arms around her bare waist, singing along with her. She jumped a little at my cold touch, but didn't stop singing. I grabbed the hoodie from her hand and slowly slipped it over her body. She giggled, slightly interrupting her singing. 

"How many times to I have to tell you before you believe me? Your a great singer." I said slyly, whispering. My lips slightly brushed her ear and she shivered. 

"Your just staying that." Maddy said, also whispering as she opened her eyes. She shut them again, blushing, noticing I was still shirtless. 

"Is me being shirtless hurting you?" I asked, laughing.

"Physically, no..." Maddy said, blushing more, "Mentally, it's to hot for me to handle." I laughed at her comment. As we both laughed, I threw her down on the bed, pinning her down.

"Ya'know, we should really go and get some breakfast. We shouldn't starve all morning." I said. Maddys smile turned into a frown.

"Aww, can't we just stay like this?" She asked, whining. I shook my head, chuckling. 

"No, but we can go get some coffee." immediately, her expression changed to excitement as she tried to get me off her. 

"I'm kind of jealous of that coffee." I said, walking back over to the dresser. Maddy playfully punched me in the arm, laughing, as she left the room.

"I'm gonna go get some shorts on, meet you in the car?" She asked. I nodded, pulling my favorite striped shirt out of the drawer and putting it on. I was happy I was with Maddy, I would do anything to protect her.

Maddy's P.O.V.

After getting dressed, I grabbed the car keys and started the car, waiting for Billie to walk on out. I smiled, remembering what just happened. All of a sudden, my phone buzzed, my friend Awsten had just texted me.

Hey, how's your summer going? The text read. I smiled and quickly responded.

Fantastic! Hbu?  I responded. Awsten had been a childhood friend of mine, always there when I needed him. Once in a while, I would go to his band practices and watch him play a little.

Great. Kind of boring thou... anything exciting happen? He asked.

Well, for starters, I got a boyfriend. I texted, blushing, thinking about shirtless Billie. 

WHAA? You should've texted me this as soon as this happened! How long have you two been together?! He asked. I could tell he was happy for me.

Officially, about a week. Unofficially, three weeks. I texted back. I heard a knock on my window, It was none other than beautiful boy Billie. I smiled as I unlocked the door.

Ok, I gtg... talk later? I asked Awsten. He quickly responded right as Billie got in the car.

Yeah, ttyl Maddy. Don't get into any trouble! He said. I couldn't help but to laugh to myself. Oh Awsten, honey, you don't know what goes down at night. 

"Who ya talking to, Maddy?" Billie said, getting into the driver seat, putting the car into drive.

"Just Awsten. He asked how my summer was going." I said, looking right at Billie. He turned to me and smiled.

"Ready to go get some coffee?" He asked. I nodded my head aggressively as we both drove somewhat right down the road to the shop. I rolled down my window and smelled the cool, beachy air. The salt water smell and the heat hitting my face as I closed my eyes. 

"We're here." Billie said, after what seemed like only seconds. No doubt about it, the shop was right there. I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and climbed out of the car, running towards the door as Billie laughed.

He opened the door for me, like any good boyfriend should do, and we both walked inside. The coffee house was nearly empty but except for an old couple, sitting in the back. We walked up to the counter, sitting on the stools and waiting to be served. Then, a familiar dude with a fro walked out, ready to serve us.

"What can I do for you two lovebirds today?" Ray said, chuckling. We all laughed.

"Can we get two coffees?" Billie asked, putting an arm around me. I blushed and nodded.

"Sure thing, be right back." Ray said, walking back behind the doors. I looked over at the window, leaning into Billie's chest. Outside, since it was still morning, the sun was rising. I could see the orangish light through the cracks buildings. (If any of you people ever went to Florida, Daytona Beach and saw this, you know exactly what i'm talking about. If you haven't, boy your missing out.)

"It's beautiful." I said, Billie following my gaze out the glass. He nodded.

"Not as pretty as you." He responded, booping my nose. I scrunched my nose up. We both just stared out the window, watching the sun rise as we waited for Ray to get out coffee. After a while, I looked up to find Ray pointing his phone at us, smiling.

"Hey, no flash photography." I said, grabbing one of the coffee's near us, handing the other one to Billie. We both laughed.

"But seriously, you two look like the perfect couple. Look." He said, showing us a photo he took. (Hey that rhymes.)  I looked at the photo and saw me, resting my head on Billie, us both looking out towards something, the morning light reflecting off us, making us shine. I had to admit, it didn't look that bad. 

We all just sat around for a few more hours, talking about the most random things. Today was off to a great start and I could tell, this whole year that I was staying here was gonna be magnificent. 

1358 words. Sorry if this chapter wasn't that action-packed like some of the others, I just wanted to show how cute Maddy and Billie are together and show some aspects from Daytona Beach. Fun fact, there actually is a place in Daytona where it's called the Coffee house (or the waffle house, one of those). Just thought that was cool to add. Ok, thanks for reading!


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