Longview... is the name of the Aquarium where Bob is (Cptr. 9)

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Hey, that's a good song, go listen to it if you want. Somehow I got it stuck in my head because I was stupid and watching art tik toks :/

Oh, and I guess I should say PARCIAL RAPE WARNING IF THAT TRIGGERS PEOPLE..? I guess idk sorry. Just be careful. :) -Ink

As always, I woke up to Billie staring at me. Sometimes, I would wake up to him drinking his coffee, and today was one of those days.

 He was sitting up, his arm still around me, as he was staring off into space. He had this confused or concerned look on his face. I slowly sat up, nearly alarming him. He looked at me and smiled. 

"Morning. How'd you sleep?" He asked, putting his coffee down next to him. I smiled and shrugged. 

"Same as always, I guess. We going anywhere special today?" I asked, hoping we wouldn't sit around all day doing nothing. It gets kinda boring after a while. 

"Yeah, we were thinking we could go to the aquarium. I don't know, it was Trè's idea. We invited Gerard and his crew to come along if they wanted. They would meet us there." Billie said, continuing to stare off into space.

"That sounds fun!" I say. Billie nodded.

"I don't know, Maddy. I got a bad feeling about today. When we go, be careful, ok?" I nodded in response. 

I quickly got out of bed once our conversation ended and ran upstairs to go put some clothes on. I threw on a Metallica t-shirt and ripped black jean shorts. I put my hair up in two pig tails and left the room to go eat some breakfast. 

"Morning." Trè said, passing me with a slice of cheesecake. 

"We have some cheesecake left over?" I asked, glaring at his cheesecake like it was some type of monster. Trè shook his head.

"Last piece. You had five yesterday, I get this one." He said. I hissed at him and walked over to the fridge to try to find something else. I ended up settling for some toast and coffee. 

about five minutes later...

"Ready to go?" Billie asked, startling me and making me almost drop my coffee. I looked at him with a 'you almost killed my coffee' look. 

"Pay back from this morning." He said.

"Anyways, yes. I'm ready. Where's Trè and Mike?" I asked. Billie gestured outside.

"Waiting for us." He finished.

"Ok then." I said, walking outside and getting in the back to sit next to Trè. Billie got in the drivers seat and before I knew it, we were off. And I had to agree with Billie, I too had an uneasy feeling about today. I shrugged it off as we drove in the car. 

Once we arrived...

"Hey!" Called Gerard, walking away from his group. As always, May followed behind to greet us.

"Hi! Sorry it took so long to get here, how long have you been waiting?" Billie asked as he gave Gerard a pat on the back.

"About... eh... ten minutes? Not long. We have the tickets to get in for you guys. Mikey has them if you want to go get them. " Gerard said, pointing at Mikey who was now talking with Frank and Ray. Billie walked over and grabbed the passes, gesturing for us to come and get ours.

Once we walked in, we could see the ice-blue water surrounding all the angles beside the floor, which was cement.

 Longview Aquarium had just opened up at least six months ago, but there was no one ever here for some odd reason. It was one of those aquariums that had a dome-like walkway where you could see all around, looking at all the beautiful animals. So far, I only saw about twenty people, which still wasn't a lot.

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