Cheese Whiz Get's Real (Cptr. 15)

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Me and Billie rushed back to the house to get our bathing suits on as fast as we could. As soon as he parked the car, I booked it upstairs and ran into my room, laughing hysterically as I closed the door. My breathing slowly went back to normal as I looked out my window. 

Green grass. Palm Trees. The empty pool we had that wasn't filled for some reason. Then I looked off into the distance of some small forest we had in our back yard. A streak or flash of black ran through the trees. I shook my head, thinking it was just my crazy imagination acting up again. Then I looked again. The mysterious figure was no longer running. It, or dare I say, HE was walking at a speed which I could make out somewhat of who he was. And when I did, hooooo boy. 

"BILLLIE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, a panic attack running up my spine, ready to make my body go into crazy mode. 

I heard Billie's foot steps run up the stairs at top speed, nearly breaking down my door as he entered. He had only his bathing suit on, which he beat me at the race that we were doing. But there was no time to look at his bare chest in awe, this was bad. He walked into the room slowly and when he did, he looked at me as I pointed outside towards the figure. He looked out the window. 

"No..." Billie said, backing away after he saw the blonde figure, "He's... dead." He said, shaking his head. I made myself take a peak outside. There was Bob Bryar. The dead man himself, standing outside the house. Holy shit, this was bad. Bob smirked evilly when he saw my face. I could only think of what he was thinking. (that sentence made no sense, i'm sorry)

"Billie..." I said, now nearly on the verge of tears due to the constant wave of fear that was swallowing me whole. Billie sat down next to me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me dangerously close to his body. I let my tears flow, down my cheek and onto his chest.

"I won't let him hurt you. Let alone, touch you." Billie said soothingly. I sobbed, hearing my wheezes in between pauses. I didn't want to live in constant fear, but knowing that Bob wasn't actually dead destroyed that thought. Then I heard banging coming from downstairs.

"OPEN THIS DOOR, ARMSTRONG!" We heard Bob's voice yell out in maniacal laughter. I held onto Billie tighter now, afraid that i'll fly off if I let go. He patted my head and pried my hands off his waist. I whined as he got up.

"Get your suit on. We need to go and warn the others." He said, his glowing green eyes meeting mine. 

"We just leave Bob here?!" I said, hysterics entering my voice. Billie just hushed me slightly.

"Trust me."

"I do."

"Then get your suit on and lets go." Billie said, ending the conversation as he left the room. I sighed. I doubt I could ever fight with him and win without feeling guilty. I walked over to my closet and pulled out my black two-piece bathing suit and slipped it on quickly. I grabbed one of my band tank tops and shorts and put them on over the suit before I exited the room. 

I carefully walked down the stairs, trying to avoid the glass door where Bob was, so he couldn't see me. Unfortunately, Bob spotted me anyways.

"There's the pretty lady herself." Bob said in a weird tone, through the glass. I looked over at him, his evil smirk still stuck on his face. 

"Shut the fuck up, Bryar." I said, flicking him off. He held his chest, acting like he had just been shot.

"Strong language, huh Maddy?" Bob said, mocking sadness. I rolled my eyes. 

"Go shove your dick in a burning pumpkin pie, motherfucker." I said, storming off. God, I was so stressed I couldn't even think of a good insult or burn to say. I walked quickly towards the door then running to the car and getting in quickly. Billie was already in the drivers seat, putting the car in reverse.

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