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y/n has a bone to pick. and it's with her childhood best friend, joshua bassett. he made it big and acted like he didn't even know her. and she's finally ready to confront him.

you knew everyone in this stupid state eventually went hollywood. you just never expected it to be your best friend. you thought he was the exception. but apparently you were wrong.

when josh first started getting tv deals, you congratulated him. you thought it was awesome. he was living his dream, and you were just happy doing your stage shows. live theatre was more your speed.

he jokingly promised to you one day, he wouldn't forget about you when he made it. and now that he has it's been almost a year since the two of you have talked. it infuriated you to think of it.

and it made you even more upset that he was still the one occupying your thoughts. you thought about him all the time. albeit they were pretty negative thoughts, but it didn't matter.

you've known the guy for fifteen years. and he seemed to have forgotten all about it.

but he was in for a rude awakening. you planned to go see him after you had finished up at your parent's restaurant.

you had to close up in a few hours, and then you were headed straight for josh.

as you stood behind the counter, restocking straws in the jar, you heard the little bell chime signaling a new person walking in.

you looked up and the sight made your breath catch in your throat. there he was. in a colorful button down and bright blue pants.

the changes in his style signified his distance from his old self. he used to dress much like his disney counterpart, ricky bowen.

you rolled you eyes at the thought. okay, yes, you had watched the show. you just wanted to see if it was good. so if it wasn't you at least had something over him.

when he saw you at the counter he smiled, but it faltered when you didn't return it.

he walked up and sat on a stool in front of you.

"y/n. long time, huh?" he attempted to make the awkwardness light.

you stared at him blankly, an eyebrow cocked. you weren't ready to talk just yet.

he exhaled, looking down at the counter before looking up to speak.

"look, i know you're mad at me. i've been busy." he tried to justify it.

"too busy to call?"


"no i get it," you cut him off,"you get a starring role and suddenly you're too good for me. it's fine."

he gave you a shocked look,"y/n, it's not like that. i meant to call. i just figured you didn't wanna hear it. i waited too long. and more i wanted to call the more i thought about how much time had passed."

you rolled your eyes. that was an excuse everyone used and it never worked.

"i'm sure." you nodded and went back to putting straws in jars.

he stared at you for a moment, dumbfounded.

"don't you have anything to say?"

you set down the straws forcefully,"josh if i had anything to say to you, i would have said it."

it's true, you had the intentions of giving him a classic, santana-lopez-esque rant filled with mean quips and comments. but now that you've actually seen him, you've grown quiet. you just want him to go away.

he groaned,"y/n/n, talk to me. please."

(y/n/n: your nick name)

you sighed, giving it a thought. maybe if he knew what was up, you guys could reconcile.

"fine. right as you got that stupid starring role, you forgot all about me. at first i thought, oh it's fine he's busy. but then months went by. and they kept going by. and you know what, finally i realized, it's not that your's that you don't care. i tried to call you. many times. never even sent me a text back." you explained to him, becoming more and more ambivalent as you spoke.

you had reached a state of intense calm. it was the kind of mellow right after an eruption. though it was still, you had no idea what you were in for next.

he frowned,"you're right. once i got the part, i stopped talking to you-"

"yeah, i know. i was there." you pointed out, wondering where this was going.

"but i figured you were just as busy as i was. i saw your instagram. all the time you spent at sunshine state productions. you were the lead in the last six shows. you seemed to have a lot on your plate. i don't know, i guess i just thought that you had moved on from our relationship. and i figured i would do that too instead of embarrassing myself." he looked down at the countertop, twiddling his thumbs.

you sighed, giving in to his point of view.

"i guess i see how you could think that. i was pretty busy. i'm constantly auditioning for stuff," you admitted before returning back to your point,"still, you should have known you could never embarrass yourself in front of me. i mean, we met in the stage where we would try and shove sand down each other's pants."

you both laughed at the memory. it wasn't funny at the time, but now it didn't even mater.

"yeah. i guess i'm just stupid when it comes to you." he admitted.

"yeah, and why's that?" you half smiled, turning to grab napkins to refill the napkin holder.

"because i always had the biggest crush on you." he told you.

you froze. josh had a crush on you? you couldn't believe it.

"what? all these years i thought it was one sided." you chuckled, wondering why the two of you had been so stupid. why not just confess to it?

"really? that's kinda crazy." he smiled.

"kind of." you nodded.

he let a moment pass, thinking of the next thing to say.

"i thought about you everyday." he said quietly. i could tell he was getting nervous.

"yeah me too. granted, it was pretty negative things. but i still did." you nodded.

he laughed for a second and looked you,"hey," he started,"you think we could ever get back to the place we were a few years ago?"

you knew he was referring to when you both were in love with each other.

you gave him a small smile,"if you answer my calls."

he chuckled,"deal. i'm glad we're back."

"me too. i missed you."

"so did i."

you two shared a moment, until a costumer came and ordered more fries. it kind of ruined the vibe, but you knew you two could get it back.  

ricky bowen/joshua bassett imagines Where stories live. Discover now