Chapter 3 The Email

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We were walking down the city streets. Mattia looked still in shock by what we encountered. I slowly walked behind him, I knew he needed some space. We were heading down to the public library to do some research and to sleep at since we had no where to go. Kairi told us that we couldn't crash at his place tonight, but reassure us that tomorrow we can. So this is what feeling homeless is like, not having no parents or family around to help you. I wonder where my mom is considering I probably haven't spoke to her in a long time. We finally meet up at the library doors, it looked really old and scary actually. Never been to it but Mattia looks like he knows his way around. He holds the door for me as we entered, it smelt dusty and like old people. Barely no one was in there but workers, it was very quiet as it should be. Mattia points to the elevator and we walk into it. He presses button 2 and the doors slowly start closing. It was pretty silent for a while so I wanted to break it.
Me: What are you gonna do?
Mattia: I'm gonna look on the computers while you can look for books.
Me: Books? You got to be kidding me. There is totally books that understand us.
Mattia: Do you thinking I'm lying? There's gotta be something close. Like psychology or something.
Me: Why do you have the easier job?
Mattia: I just do. So what.
We become into silence again. I didn't want to argue anymore. The elevator door opens and me and Mattia start heading towards the computers.

It's been at least an hour and I still haven't found anything. Mattia is still on the computer and has this paper, writing down stuff. I haven't went over there to see but I've been just looking at all these books. I started getting bored and was looking at some cooking books and dog books. I mean who doesn't like dog books, they are just filled with cute puppies. But anyways I didn't want to distract myself from my job. I got to a section that was romance. I started looking at the titles seeing if there was any good information. My finger lightly goes across all the books as I read the titles, and then it stops. A book called "Bad Boy Manuel" catches my eye. I pull it out and looked at the cover. It was a pink book with a black door on it with a lock. It was all dusty and it smelt old like no one has touched it. I turn it around to read the back for the description.
"A girl gets caught up in drama with the bad boy in town. Soon enough they fall in love with each other and plan to runaway. Until they are back to where they use to live at and are known to be dead. They both together find clues to solve their own disappearance."
The book literally sounded just like me and Mattia's life right now. I knew this was the jackpot and I had to tell Mattia. I run through the books shelves with happiness knowing I found a good clue. I run to Mattia who was staring hard at the computer. He sees me running and turns his chair towards me with a confused look. I hand him over the book and point at the back with the description. As Mattia reads the back I looked at his computer. He was looking at a psychology website that looked kind of creepy. I look back at Mattia and see is facial expression change into shock. He looks back up at me and gives back the book.
Mattia: Wow you did really good. I'm proud you found a very reliable source.
I smile and nod my head. I pull up a chair from another computer and sit next to Mattia. I look at the sheet of paper and see some notes and website names. He stared hard at the computer screen and then slams his hands really hard on the table. I literally jumped, it sounded like a gunshot.
Me: Mattia could you quiet down? What's the big deal?
Mattia: I also found jackpot.
I look at his screen and read the first sentence of the top paragraph.

Me: Woah Mattia you should definitely email this person! Me and Mattia both look at each other and cheer in excitement

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Me: Woah Mattia you should definitely email this person!
Me and Mattia both look at each other and cheer in excitement. We were actually gonna find out why our lives are like this! I jump off of my seat and sit on Mattia's lap. We both hug each other as me and him were both on the same chair. After that we separate from a hug and me and Mattia stare at each other's eyes. His hair was so smooth and he had that grin that was sexy in a way. I lean in to kiss him and see he was gonna kiss me too, but then we get stopped by a old lady. She looks angry and puts her finger up to her lips to tell us to be quiet. She slowly walks away and I look at Mattia. I realize I was on top of him and get off quickly, he acts like nothing happened and we get back to what we were doing. Mattia starts typing his email to the person, we hope they were still active because the website was made 12 years ago. After a couple minutes of typing, Mattia finally sends it to him with a loud click. It tells us the email sent and we both let out a sigh. It was hard work emailing and finding clues. It was becoming almost time for the library to close and we needed a spot to sleep. We get up and walk around cautiously not trying to making noise. We see a small room that was filled with nothing but probably small boxes of books. It said "STORAGE" and it looked like no one really goes in there. The door was unlocked which me and Mattia quickly slipped in there. I find a spot where I can fit and I lay there. I was exhausted and overwhelmed about a lot of things. Mattia comes over by me and lays next to me. He looked pretty worn out too and tired. This was my moment to ask him stuff.
Me: Mattia, I have something to ask.
Mattia: What it is.
I struggled to let the words out. I was afraid for the answer. But finally I just let myself say it, I really wanted to know the answer.
Me: So in this dream, we fell in love. Do you really feel it though. Right now do you love me?
It was silent for a bit and then Mattia turns around to me. I turn around towards him, startled by what he was gonna do. He looks at me in my eyes and then smiles.
Mattia: I do. It's complicated right now but I like being with you here. He grabs my hand, he had nice warm hands. I smile back at him and nod my head. Mattia grabs me into a hug and we stay there as we start falling to sleep. I was happy that Mattia felt the same. I was so happy to have someone like him. Love is amazing isn't it!?

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