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(You will be in Alvaro's point of view now.)

I slowly sit back down as Mr. Jackson closes the door. I'm not scared of him. If he does something I have the gang outside. He sits back down in his chair and then clears his throat.
Mr. Jackson: So Alvaro. How long have you knew Mattia and (your name)?
You (Alvaro): I've know Mattia ever since middle school. The girl though, I've only known her for maybe 3 months?
He nods in approval and then starts clicking on his computer. I sit there in the quiet, planning out every next word I was gonna say.
Mr. Jackson: So how's Scarlett?
I look up at him, shocked by what he said.
You: Excuse me?
Mr. Jackson: Scarlett. How is she.
You: How-how do you know her?
Mr. Jackson looks towards me and stares into my eyes. He look like he was trying to find my soul and was ready to burn it.
Mr. Jackson: I have my ways. Now answer my question.
I struggle to speak.
You: I don't know, she moved away from me.
Mr. Jackson nods again and then gets back to typing on his computer.
Mr. Jackson: Are you guys still together?
I wonder that too. If we were still together. We haven't talked in a year and she hasn't texted me ever since she left.
You: I don't know... We never agreed to break up.
Mr. Jackson glances at me.
Mr. Jackson: Are you sure?
You: Why? That doesn't matter right now. It's Mattia and his girlfriend, not me.
Mr. Jackson: It matters to you.
He turns his computer screen. He starts clicking and photos of my girlfriend with this boy. They were hugging and smiling together. She looked so happy. Like how happy she was with me. Then the last click. It caught me.

Why is she kissing another boy

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Why is she kissing another boy. Some tears stated to form.
You: Stop showing me this! Why are you showing me this!
Anger started to build up in me. We should be focusing on Mattia's relationship not mine.
Mr. Jackson turns his computer around and lets out a small smirk.
Mr. Jackson: You see here Alvaro. Love is painful. You think someone loves you but once they have a chance to get away, they will hurt you.
I tear rolls down my cheek and I wipe it.
You: What's your point.
Mr. Jackson: I don't think you're worthy enough to be told.
You: What. You are making no sense. I'm just going to leave, this is stupid.
I started to get up until some force made me go back down. I slowly sit down, scared by this force.
Mr. Jackson: Don't leave yet. I want to give you a deal. If you can kidnap that girl your friend is with, you can save his life and get Scarlett back.
Do it secretly, I want her back here. If you don't, you might... You know, die.
Those words scared me. Die. How would I die? He's joking, I'm not scared of him.
You: No. Why would I do that?!
I got up quickly and started walking towards the door, ready to tell the gang.
Just then Mr. Jackson grabs my arm. He throws me onto the ground and then holds my neck down with his hand. He has a strong force and I start gasping for air.
Mr. Jackson: I won't do anything to your friend or his girlfriend. I want her here in 3 months or else I'll kill Scarlett. Do you want her innocent life to be taken? Even though she cheated on you, I know you love her and wouldn't want anything bad to happen.
He was right. I loved her. I still love her. I didn't want nothing bad to happen to Mattia or Scarlett. It was better to stay safe, he wouldn't hurt Mattia's girl. I nod my head and he lets go of me. I slowly get up in horror and then reached my hand to the door handle.
Mr. Jackson: Oh, I don't want to forget. If you tell them or give them any hint I made you do this, you know the consequences. Addio.
I nod my head once again, I took a deep breath and then opened the door. My interview was over.

Bad Boy Mattia BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now