Chapter 4 As A Team

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Me and Mattia quietly open the door as we started to exit the library. I see a clock on the wall and saw it was 10 am. We walked quietly down the stairs and saw no one at front desk. So we ran down the hallway and went through the front doors. We officially stayed a night at the library, now where do we go?
You: So where do we go now?
Mattia: I don't know... My phone is dead so I can't text no one unless we find somewhere.
I thought hard and then remember seeing a Starbucks yesterday when walking to the library.
You: Hey, nearby there was a Starbucks so maybe we can go there.
Mattia nods his head and we started going down the block heading towards the nearby Starbucks. As we were walking, I see Mattia have his hands in his hoodie pockets. It was a bit chilly and windy outside and he seemed cold. I decided to make a bold move. I grabbed his right hand and put his hand into my hoodie pocket. I saw it catches him off guard and he looks at me with a shocked expression. But then slowly it turns into a half smile. I smile back and we both walk down to Starbucks holding hands.

We were sitting down at a table in Starbucks. Mattia was on his phone while it charged, I just looked around the place. The Starbucks was pretty nice and it wasn't packed as much. But that went away very quickly. A group of 4 girls from our school walked in, they all were giggling and laughing. They were so pretty but snotty, they all had shorts on with crop tops and vans. I wished I could afford cute clothes like that but at this state, I can't afford anything. The girls notice me and come over by me. One of the girls I knew, her name was Carrie. She always torments me everyday in every class we have and outside of school. She seems to have a problem with me and I don't even talk to her.
Carrie: Aw if it isn't you. Studying? Like always.
The group snickers. I roll my eyes and ignore her, looking the opposite way.
Carrie: Trying to ignore us now?
I glance at her and she smiles at me, then walks away with her crowd. I look at Mattia and sees he didn't even notice these girls bullying me. It low key made me mad but whatever. The girls come back with their drinks and decide to sit across from us. They start pointing at me and snickering. I didn't get a good feeling from it and I wanted to leave as soon as possible.
You: Mattia is your phone good? Can we leave now.
Mattia: Yeah it's at 80, we can head out.
I quickly got up from my chair and started to head to the doors when Carrie hops right in front of me. She smiles holding a bright pink drink in her hand.
Carrie: Hey, I am so so sorry for what I did earlier. I was wondering if you wanted a drink?
I look at Carrie with a suspicious look. She's randomly being nice to me. I reach my hand for the drink when all of sudden her hand jerks. I see the lid of the drink flip right off and I see the drink start flying at me. Just then Mattia goes in front of me and the drink lands all over him instead. I see Carrie's face and she looks up and sees it's Mattia. Her face becomes into shock and she starts getting red.
Carrie: Oh my god Mattia, I- I am so sorry.
I look at her friends and see them in shock too. They all couldn't believe their eyes including me. Mattia looks at his hoodie full of the pink drink on it and then looks back at Carrie. Carrie turns around to her friends and I see her smirk. She then turns around and grabs out her phone from her pocket.
Carrie: Hey, I can buy you a new hoodie if you want. Just put your number in my phone and we can go shopping one day.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She really was trying to flirt with him on the spot! I felt jealously rise into me, but then Mattia did something that surprised me. Mattia flips Carrie's phone onto the ground and I hear a back smack. Carrie looks down at the ground shock and then looks back at Mattia in anger.
Carrie: What the hell was that for!
Mattia: I don't want your stupid number and next time don't ever try to mess with (your name) again.
Carrie: Why does she matter to you?! Look at her she looks homeless.
It was true though, I haven't showered in a day. My hair was probably all messy and my face felt so oily.
Mattia: She matters to me because I'm her boyfriend. I like her for who she is, not for how she looks. Now step aside before I'll make you.
Mattia looks back at me, I was in pure shock from what he said. Mattia just said he was my boyfriend in front of Carrie. Mattia nods his head for us to leave. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the door, I could see Carrie's face. She was heated and looked like she was ready to kill me. My shoulder bumps into hers and she starts cursing at me.
Carrie: You and your dumbass boyfriend will pay for my phone! When I see you next time it's on sight bitch!
Me and Mattia we're outside out of that mess. I was embarrassed how Carrie was treating me and that now Mattia knows people bully me. I look at Mattia and then started to burst out crying. Mattia grabs me into a hug and I hold him tightly. I was crying because I thought my life changed, I thought everyone would disappear and leave me alone. But no, at the end of the day someone has to taunt me. Mattia hugs me tighter and whispers in my ear.
Mattia: I'm sorry you have to deal with that. We are gonna head to Kairi's place. The whole gang is there and is gonna help us with this situation. I nod my head and then we both stop hugging. Mattia turns around and offers me to ride on his back. I decided to take the chance and hopped right on.

I fell asleep on Mattia's back and when I woke up we were in front of Kairi's house. I realize and hopped off. The door swings open and Alvaro and Alejandro were standing there. Mattia, Alvaro, and Alejandro all shout and pat each other's shoulders while walking inside. I slowly walk in as well and close the door behind me. They were all in the living room and I flashed back to the time I was drunk and sat on Mattia's lap. I shake my head to brush off that memory, it was embarrassing. Kairi motions me to go sit by him, I see that Mattia notices and watches me as I started to walk over slowly by Kairi. Just as I was about to sit down, Mattia grabs my wait and I plop on his lap. Alejandro, Alvaro, and Roshuan all start hyping Mattia up. I started to blush and I see Mattia smirk. I look at Kairi and see him smiling awkwardly but he didn't seem happy. Mattia then looks at Kairi and then fake smiles.
Mattia: My girl.
Alejandro: Your girl? Is someone being protective?
Yet again they all start laughing and making kissing noises.
Kairi: Okay, okay guys lets stop it now. We need to figure out a plan.
Mattia and me start explaining about the website we found that had good information and we emailed the person, along with a book. The whole gang seemed impressed by us and called us a "power couple."We started to assist roles to people so we could help figure stuff out. Roshuan was pretty good at researching, his role was to find some more information and clues on the internet. Alejandro and Kairi are good at talking to people, their role was if we find any number or anyone we could meet in person, they would go and talk to them. Alvaro was good at writing, he was in a college language arts class so he was pretty experienced. His role was to type out any emails or messages we had to do. Lastly me and Mattia were gonna look at the book I found, the book description sounded a lot like what was happening to us so we would understand it better. Everyone scatters around Kairi's house, me and Mattia got Kairi's room and headed up there. This felt good, that there was people who know we weren't dead and that  we had people to help us. We were all in this as a team to figure out this mystery.

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