2. Ghost of the Past

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Him. He seems to plague my mind after that night. The memories of him when we were younger. He was so sweet and fun Now? He's like the machine killers we hear about. And he came after me. But, maybe...

"Whew. Closing time!" I announce, shutting off our OPEN sign and locking the front door. The other lady in the store laughs at my eagerness to get home. A guy walks to the door and tries to open it. "Poor guy." I open the door and he looks kind of expectant.

"I need to get something, it will only take a moment," he says. I shake my head sadly.

"I'm sorry sir. We're closed now. Come back tomorrow." He looks at me before hanging his head and walking away. "I always hate doing that. Makes me feel like a bad person." I frown for a second before taking my apron off.

"Doesn't seem like you care much," the lady, Isabelle, laughs. I stick my tongue out at her, making her laugh harder. "Just like the teenager I picked up 3 years ago. You haven't changed a bit."

"Yes, I have!" I say, putting my hand over my chest in mock disbelief. We both break out in giggles and laughs. When we finally calmed down, I had happy tears in my eyes. "Oh goodness. Do you need any help cleaning up?"

"I think I've got it tonight love. Why don't you go home and get some rest?" I scrunch my eyebrows, curious.

"You sure? It's not too much trouble." She nods and I smile a little. "Okay then, goodnight Miss Isabelle."

"Goodnight Emma. You be safe now, especially with those people out," Isabelle says with a more serious tone. I smile at her gently as I glance around the small art shop I work at.

It has paintings everywhere along with pottery, jewelry, sketches, and many other things. I love working here honestly and the owner, Isabelle Hauns, is a very sweet and kind old lady.

She has salt and pepper hair, very few wrinkles, kind blue eyes, and a motherly smile. Her skin has a copper-like tone to it and she stands straight, demanding respect almost. Kinda reminds me of a lady I once knew a long time ago.

My smile falters for a second before I regain my composure. I can't let the memories get to me. I can't imagine him or his family. The pain is too much.

"Yes ma'am. And you too, the world needs more respectable women," I respond, opening the door to the shop. Belle smiles back, a small chuckle coming from her throat, like she knows an inside joke I don't.

"When you're my age dearie, respect is something you were taught as a child." I laugh a bit and nod, waving to her as I pause on my way out to my car.

"I guess so. Have a nice night Ms. Belle." She waves back as the door shuts. Looking around the staff lot, I scan the trees surrounding the shop and I swear I hear something in the bushes of the garden.

The garden is a place where we plant flowers and other plants to try and help clean up the air. And sometimes kids come in and ask if they can have one or the community comes to pitch in with the work. We always have fun. Best job ever if you ask me.

When I turn to scan my surroundings, there's nothing there. Just darkness and a chill going down my spine. I try to shrug it off, but I just can't, the feeling is too strong. My heart starts pounding in my chest and my stomach flips, like I know something's wrong.

I hurry to my car and quickly lock the doors, hoping that whatever's out there, stays out there. Don't need anything or anyone killing me just yet. I have unfinished business.

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