9. Journey

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The best way to not get caught? Stay under the radar. Keep a low profile. Don't make risky decisions. Keep yourself disguised. Don't spend too much time in one place. Always have an escape route. Know all exits. And always, always watch your back...

...because you never know who's watching...

... or waiting.

The group moves out, covered by the dark night and the darker clothes on their bodies. Alex looks behind him at the group he leads, pride and uneasiness washing over him. How could he be sure that the moves he was making were the right ones? What if they ran into danger? He looked away again, deciding to keep these questions to himself. The others didn't need to know that he wasn't as confident as he seemed.

Isabelle gave them all dark jackets to wear to help them blend in as they escaped through the black forest, moonlight barely filtering through the thickness of the branches and leaves. Alex holds Nat's hand, guiding her. Four of the seven have Hunted in these conditions so their eyes are well-adjusted to the dark. Lexi and Andrea carry the twins, and Justin brings up the rear, ready to transport them all away if needed. All of their legs moved fast through the wooded area to make sure they put as much distance between them and the Facility. As a twig snaps in the distance, the group pauses, straining their ears to listen, but nothing else sounds.

The silence between them all is deafening, but no one dares to break it. Their hearts pound in their chest and the blood roars in their ears, anxiety crawling over them like ants at the thought of being caught by the people they are trying so desperately to get away from. Their breathing heavies as they slow, legs tired from hours of running.

"We should rest for a bit," Natalia breathes out to the others. They nod and Andrea and Lexi put the twins down. The older kids lean against trees, heads scanning every inch of the thick woods, listening for the slightest sound. After all, this is what they were trained for. Seeing when they have no sight, listening for sounds not heard. Feeling what cannot be felt, smelling things that have no odor.

Alex lifts the sleeves on his arm, the number '017' permanently inked on his skin. He sighs heavily and looks amongst the others, seeing them fiddle with their sleeves as well.

It was as if the ink that was in them, marking them as property of the company they just left was burning. A heavy reminder of all the things they lost out on. The people they loved that no longer existed. Alex sighs quietly, looking up to the sky as if the moon and the trees held the answer to his questions. But the silence was even louder than ever and just as empty.

"Big Brother?" Chrissy whispers, frightened to speak any louder. His attention sharpens as he looks down and focuses on the child below him. "I'm scared." He squats, a fake smile on his lips. The tattoo on his wrist was aching, a constant reminder about where he came from. He tries not to think of it as he ruffles her hair slightly.

"We'll be just fine Chris. Don't you worry," he says. She offers a small smirk as she wraps her arms around his neck, hugging him. He can feel the fear and pain coming off of the little girl. The feelings were overwhelming him to the point it felt like he couldn't breathe. He chooses not to say anything or react and just holds her close. Chrissy seems to have calmed down after a few minutes and he then pulls away, picking her up. "Okay, guys. Let's move out."

Grudgingly, they come off their support trees and again begin walking. The air smells clean and moist like it's going to rain.

Soon, they reach a road. A few lonely cars pass by as they stay under the cover of the bushes and weeds. Alex stands, walking to the shoulder of the road, looking both ways before waving the rest on. They sprint across the road, light thuds echo off the stillness of the night. After a while, that silence is filled with the dripping of rain falling to the ground. Their clothes begin to soak through, but still, they move. Afraid of what happens if they stop...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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