In the Pastures

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A/N: Hello everyone! Welcome to Tiana: Personality Collision, where light and dark collide! This is a Tiana ship story (if you can't tell already), and I'm excited to be back and writing on Wattpad again! I took a long break because well, you know, life got in the way, but I'm back. If you haven't already, please go check out my Sokeefe story! Anyways, enough of my silly author notes, enjoy the story! <3

- At Foxfire -

"Tam! Wait up!" Biana called out in the hallways of Foxfire. Her sweet voice echoed through the halls. Tam stopped.

"Hey, Biana." Tam blushed. Just the thought of her made his heart melt. He'd had a crush on her ever since the day they met. A pencil rolled off the top of his books, and Biana picked it up and handed it back to him.

"Here," she said, blushing furiously behind her hair. "So, uh, what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Just as she spoke, the dismissal bell rung and school was over. In a matter of seconds, they were standing alone. In the hallway. Just a couple of inches apart. Tam was the first to break the awkward silence.

"U-uh, I don't have a-any plans," he stuttered.

"Great! Sophie and I were wondering if you and Linh wanted to come to a sleepover at Sophie's house tonight?" she casually asked. On the inside, Biana was squealing.

"Yeah, I'd love to come!" he said--a little too quickly. Biana didn't notice as she grabbed her books and held out her home crystal.

"Cool! See you there," she called out before she faded away. Then Tam was alone, his heart and his head confusing him so much that he just decided to leap home.

- At Everglen -

Biana sat in her room, quite pleased with herself, getting ready for the sleepover. She wore a teal tunic with white flowers embroidered onto it, paired with some black leggings and brown heeled boots. Her black eyeliner was accented by the teal eyeshadow with gold flecks, and her lips were a pretty pink. Finally, she grabbed her black bag and headed over to Havenfield.

- At Havenfield -

Just outside of the house, Tam sat in the pastures, looking lonely. Biana walked up to him.

"Hey," she said. His head perked up and he caught her eyes. Tam was astonished by her beauty; it left him speechless.

"H-hi." He got up and they walked inside together. Sophie raised an eyebrow at the two of them as they entered the living room. Biana gave her a don't-you-dare-say-anything-or-I-will-kill-you glare. Linh was already inside, which confused Biana. Why did he wait for me outside? she thought to herself. But Sophie took everyone to her room, and Biana completely forgot about it.

Biana set her sleeping bag up on the flowery carpet that covered the floor of Sophie's room. Her makeup bag was inside of her pillowcase along with other things, as well as her pillow. As Biana's thoughts drifted to the topic of Tam, her best friend interrupted.

"Sooooooo, what's up with you and Tam?" Sophie asked in a sing-songy, teasing tone.

"That's the thing; absolutely nothing!" she yelled, a little too loudly. Biana lowered her voice. "I found him waiting for me in the pastures today, but Linh was already inside. Do you think he...likes me?"

"Oh, for sure. It's soooooooo obvious. I can't believe you didn't notice what was going on before!" she squeaked.

"I don't think you can talk. Do you even know how long it took for you and Fitz to realize that you've both liked each other since they day you met?" Biana teased.

"Okay, okay. I'll try not to bring it up for the rest of the night. But just know that I'll be thinking about it," she added with a mock evil laugh.

After the girls and the boys finished setting up all of their stuff, everyone headed downstairs for dinner. Edaline had made a purple mush that tasted like steak, and some rolls on the side. For dessert, custard bursts and mallowmelt were dished out to each of them, and the whole dining room was silent as they ate the delicious dessert.

When dinner was done, the friends were all dismissed to go upstairs and play fun party games. No one could think of any games, so Sophie decided to introduce one of her favorite human games: Truth or Dare.

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