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THE THREE SAT IN A BOOTH BY THE WINDOW. Ransom was sipping on a beer while the two girls in front of him ate their meals. "Seriously," he started, "what the hell was that?"

Marta looked up at him, innocence and guilt swimming in her eyes. "I didn't know Harlan did that."

"Bullshit," Juliette objected. She quickly wiped her mouth with a napkin then positioned her body so that she was facing Marta. Her hand rested on her stomach as she continued. "Harlan left you all but two percent of everything he had and you didn't know? Sounds fake, but okay."

Marta shook her head frantically, her eyes flickering back and forth between Ransom and Juliette. "I swear, I didn't know he was going to do that. You have to believe me."

"Then tell us what you do know," Juliette ordered. "So you didn't know about the will. Okay, fine. But you do know something else." She normally wouldn't be so demanding, especially to a friend, but this was important to Ransom and she was going to make sure he got answers. She knew Marta couldn't lie, but that didn't mean the girl was as clueless as she claimed to be.

Marta wore a stunned expression. She didn't know why Juliette was so sure she knew something, but it made her nervous. Juliette's lips curled into a smirk when she noticed the girl's puzzled eyes. "Just because you tell the truth doesn't mean you're telling the whole truth. That's it, isn't it? That's the loophole?" Ransom smirked, his eyes bright with wonder and pride as he stared at his wife. Marta's mouth was agape and Juliette shrugged. "I'm a businesswoman, continuous observation and loopholes are my thing."

Ransom took a swig if his beer and placed the bottle back on the table. "Marta, I know three things. One, I know he didn't commit suicide."

Marta shifted nervously in her seat. Her reaction confirmed Juliette's already strong suspicion that Marta was hiding something. "What makes you think that?" Marta asked.

"I don't think it. I know it," he corrected. He positioned his body so that he was facing the other side of the booth. Leaning over the table with his eyes locked on Marta, he continued. "Because I knew my granddad. Maybe you and I were the only two who knew him, so you're not going to bullshit me on this. Because, two, I know lying makes you puke. Because of that mafia game last 4th of July."

Both girls tilted their heads, waiting for him to finish. "And the third?" Juliette questioned. She leaned back in her seat and folded her arms across her chest. She was curious to see how this was going to pan out.

"And, three, I know you just ate a full plate of baked beans and sausage." He moved an empty bowl so that it sat in front of Marta. "So, look me in the eye, and tell me what happened to my grandfather."

A look that was somewhere between disbelief and disgust crossed Marta's face. "You asshole," she spat.

Juliette smirked. Her amusement was growing. "Oh, he's good," she said chuckling lightly, breaking the tense atmosphere. Juliette looked over and saw how pale Marta's face was. Juliette's smirk faded into a frown. "Marta," she said in a soft and concern tone, "just tell us what happened."

Marta gave Juliette a hesitant look, wanting the reassurance of someone who was like a friend to her. She was unsure if she should continue hiding the truth. But between Ransom's stare and Juliette's hand reaching to hold hers, she knew what she needed to do. Her guilt was eating her alive.

Marta told them everything. She told them how she gave Harlan morphine instead of his regular medicine. How she was the reason for his death. How Harlan gave her specific instructions to follow for the perfect alibi. And how she thought that Detective Blanc was on to her.

When Marta finished, she realized how crazy she sounded. "Listen," she started, "I know it sounds—"

"Like one of Harlan's books?" Juliette guessed, shifting in her seat.

Marta just nodded and took a sip from her water. A blanket of silence covered the booth. The two girls looked over to Ransom who was uncharacteristically quiet. His hands were folded under his chin and he stared blankly at the table in front of him.

Juliette opened her mouth to call his name, but closed it when his head lifted. "I'll help you," he offered.

"What?" Marta and Juliette questioned, one in shock and the other in surprise.

"I'll help you get my family off your back for mine and Juliette's share of the inheritance."

"There's the catch," Juliette muttered, shaking her head. "Ransom, we don't need the money." They both knew she had more than enough money to support them both.

Her husband ignored her, his expectant eyes trained in Marta. "Do we have a deal?"

Marta weighed her pros and cons before reluctantly nodding. "Okay," she said. "Deal."


LATER THAT NIGHT, JULIETTE SAT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NURSERY ORGANIZING BABY CLOTHES INTO DIFFERENT BASKETS. She needed something soothing to calm her down after the day she had. She had a pair of headphones on, listening to a playlist of her favourite songs playing. She didn't  notice Ransom standing in the doorway.

Ransom watched her with admiration as she quietly sung to herself. Every time he looked at her, he was reminded why he did this things he did. And every time he looked at her, the majority of his guilt went away. Without his inheritance he would have no way to support her or their baby, and he just couldn't allow that. He did what he thought he had to for the woman he loved.

After a minute, he called her name. When he didn't get a response, he leaned over and grabbed a pair of socks from the hamper on the dresser by the door. He folded it into a ball and threw it at his wife's head.

She jumped up at the sudden attack. She relaxed when she saw Ransom laughing by the door. She took her headphones out and narrowed her eyes at him. "You're an ass," she laughed, struggling to stand up.

Ransom moved to help her to her feet, but she waved him off. Once on her feet, she looked him over and saw that he was wearing gym attire. She gave him a puzzled look. "You're going to the gym?" she asked. "At this time?"

"Yeah," he lied, "After the day we've had, I could use a light workout. I just wanted to let you know before I left."

She didn't think much of it. Ransom would often go to the gym when stressed and she had no reason to think otherwise. "What time will you be back?" she questioned as she bent down to grab one of the clothes filled basket.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "Maybe in an hour or two. Will you still be awake?"

"Probably not." Juliette placed the hamper she was holding on top of the dresser and moved to wrap her arms around Ransom. He hugged her back and planted a kiss on her head.

As Ransom drove towards the medical examiner's office, he couldn't take his mind off of the deadly game he was playing. He never anticipated Marta accidentally switching the already switched medicine. He had to improvise now. What once was a simple, step-by-step murder set up, had now become something much messier. Ransom only hoped he could protect Juliette from it.

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