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THE THROMBEYS FILED INTO THE LARGE ROOM. Ransom took Juliette's hand and led her to the back corner, pulling her onto his lap. They waited for the reading to start. The faster it started, the faster they could get out of there. But one question rang throughout Juliette's mind: if Ransom knew he was cut from the will, what were they there for?

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to gently request that you all stay in town until the investigation is complete," Detective Blanc said as the lawyer started his introduction. Each member of the family shared puzzled glances with each other.

Lieutenant Elliot stepped up beside him. "Actually," he corrected, "I'm making that an order. No one move until this is all figured out."

"Can we ask why?" Joni asked on behalf of the group. "Has something changed?"

"No," Blanc said curtly.

"No, nothing's changed, or no, we can't ask?"

Blanc just ignored her and asked the lawyer to proceed.

Ransom wore a bored look, his chin resting in the palm of his hand. His other hand rested on Juliette's thigh, he drummed his fingers on Juliette's thigh. He was anticipating something. Unbeknownst to her, he knew exactly what chaos was about to ensue.

"I, Harlan Thrombey, being of sound mind and body, yada, yada, yada."

Everyone except Ransom, Juliette, and Marta was on the edge of their seat. They heavily resembled a pack of wolves, waiting for the prey that was Harlan's assets.

"I hereby direct that all my assets, both liquid and otherwise, I leave in their entirety to..." The lawyer paused and glanced at the family before him. "Marta Cabrera."

In less than a second, all heads turned to the young girl standing in the doorway. Her eyes were wide with shock.

The lawyer continued, "With the exception of one million dollars set in a trust for my great-granddaughter. Should the child not survive to the time of expected birth, her inheritance shall go to her mother, Juliette Reyes-Drysdale."

Juliette glanced down at her husband. "Did you know about this?" Ransom just raised his eyebrows. His smirk grew as his family's anger inflated.

"My entire ownership of Blood Like Wine Publishing I leave in its entirety to Marta Cabrera. The copyright of its catalog, likewise I leave in its entirety to Marta Cabrera."

An outburst of angry protests sounded. Linda stood in disbelief and the rest of the family followed in suit. "Alan, you can take this piece of paper, and shove it right up your ass!" Linda was livid. She turned to the people present who weren't family members and pointed at the door. "And get out! We are the Thrombeys goddammit! This is still our house!"

The family paused, realizing that one of Harlan's assets hadn't been mentioned yet. Everyone turned to the lawyer as his assistant pointed to the will in his hands. "Oh. Sorry." He looked back down at the paper and read the rest. "Likewise, the house at 2 Deerborn Drive, and all belongings therein, I leave to Marta Cabrera."

As soon as Marta's name left Alan's mouth, all hell broke loose. Linda lunged at Marta, only to be held back by her husband. "Oh, you little bitch!" she shouted. "Did you know about this? Were you in on this from the beginning?"

Linda struggled to get out of Richard's grasp. "No, no, no!" She pushed Richards arms away and walked closer to Marta. For every step she took forward, Marta took one step back. "I just want to know. What were you doing? Were you boinking my father?"

Marta's eyes widened and she profusely shook her head. "No!"

There was shouting coming from all directions. Though mostly directed at Marta, there were a few comments thrown at Juliette. The most insulting was Walt questioning if her baby was even Ransom's, but Juliette just pretended that she didn't hear it.

With all of Harlan's assets out in the open, and none of them belonging to them, the Thrombey's allowed themselves to argue with the lawyer. Ransom just chuckled to himself before standing and taking Juliette's hand. He guided her out of the room, slipping past his family. "Should we just leave her with them?" Juliette asked, looking over her shoulder. She saw the fear and shock in Marta's eyes and it didn't sit well with her conscience to just leave her there.

The couple walked out to Ransom's car. He stopped, his hand on the handle, and stared at Juliette for a moment. Though it didn't feel like he was. It felt like he was looking at her, but not seeing her. He was lost in his thoughts. "You're right. We should help her," he said, his tone laced with realization.

Juliette's eyebrows furrowed. "You want to help Marta?" she questioned as she opened the car door. "Not that I'm opposed to it, but you didn't even know what her name was until twenty minutes ago."

Ransom got in the car and started the engine. "That's not true," he said.

"Mhm," she said unconvinced. As she shut the door, Marta came stumbling down the front steps of the house. She struggled to get to her car as the Thrombeys badgered her about the will. "Jesus, pull the car around."

Ransom did what he was told and pulled up beside Marta's car. It wasn't starting and the Thrombeys were yelling at her through the glass. Ransom and Juliette waved at her to get into their car. After a few moments of confusion, Marta understood what they meant and quickly hopped out of her car and into the BMW.

The car did a U-turn right in front of the squawking group as Juliette moved her seat back to its usual position. She chuckled when she saw Ransom's head out the window.

"I think this is the best thing to happen to all of you," he jested, using his mother's words against her. He revved the engine and the three were off, speeding away from the Thrombeys.

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