sneaking out - joshua bassett

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imagine: joshua sneaking you out and taking you somewhere since neither of you could sleep

2:28am. it was 2:28am and you still couldn't sleep.

     you sigh and grab your phone from your nightstand, texting joshua.

you: you awake?
josh: yeah, couldn't sleep
you: me neither
josh: i have an idea
josh: i'll be over in 10
you: are you serious?
you: josh?
you: jOshuA
you: smh

     you give up texting him but still wondered what he was up to.

     10 minutes went by pretty fast and next thing you knew, your phone lit up with a text from josh.

josh: i'm outside, come down
you: are you crazy? my parents are asleep
josh: not through your front door
josh: climb down your window, i'm sneaking you out ;)
you: you're insane.
josh: :<
you: fine, give me a sec to change
josh: :>

     you put on the nearest pair of jeans you could find and a hoodie. you slip on your shoes and head over to your window, opening it.

     josh stood outside, waving with an excited smile plastered on his face. you couldn't help but giggle.

"what if i fall?", you whisper, palms suddenly becoming sweaty.

"i'll catch you", he says cheesily, making you blush a little.

"i'm serious, bassett. this is pretty high"

"you got this"

     you mentally slap yourself and proceed to climb down your window carefully. it wasn't as high as you claim it was but from you point of view, it was.

     you were about 8ft off the ground so you took the opportunity to jump down, surprised that you made it down without breaking any bones or any flower pots.

"i'm never doing that again", you huff.

"you're gonna have go the other way later"

"don't remind me"

     josh laughs and you two start walking to wherever he had planned.

"this is so peaceful", you say while walking.

"wait till you see what i'm about to show you"

"alright bassett, impress me"

     josh takes you through a small woods until you're at the edge of a cliff.

"holy crap.. this is beautiful", you say, admiring the view of the city in the distance.

"yea..", he says like he was in a daydream.

     you turn to face him and he was looking at you, not even trying to hide it. he puts your hair behind your ear, letting his fingers linger by your cheek and jaw. you didn't even realise it but you were mere inches from eachother.

     you bite your lip a little before leaning in and closing the space between the both of you, tiptoeing a little because of the height difference.

     he kisses back almost immediately, smiling a little into the kiss. he holds your face for support and rests his forehead against yours when you pull away for air.

"i've been wanting to do that for forever"

"you have no idea"

i thought this was a really cute idea hehe
enjoy <3

- zoe <3

joshua bassett / ricky bowen imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now