not over you - ricky bowen

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imagine: you catch your (soon-to-be ex) boyfriend cheating on you and realise how blind and stubborn you were; denying when ricky kept trying to make you see it

you were headed over to your boyfriend's house like you usually did after school. you didn't bother texting because this was a routine.

you walk up the driveway and knock on the door. no answer? that's strange.. you decide to just open the door and let yourself in.

"y/bf/n?", you call out.

still no answer.

maybe he fell asleep?

you walk up the stairs and head to his room. you knock twice before slowly opening the door.

bad idea..

"y/n!", your boyfriend exclaims in shock, pushing an unfamiliar girl off him.

"i can explai-"

"are you kidding me?", you ask, feeling yourself get mad.

"l-look, it's not-"

"save your pity story for someone who's actually interested."

"ricky was right about you.. i should've just listened to him"

you remove the bracelet he gave you for valentine's day and threw it at him before walking out, ignoring his calls and apologies.

you get into your car and run your hand through your hair in frustration, letting out a heavy sigh. ricky was right all along..

you take out your phone and press on the contact that used to be at the top of your recents until you started dating that jackass.

you contemplate texting him but decide not to so you turn your phone off. you bite your lip as you think about what to do, drumming your fingers against the steering wheel aggressively.

fuck it

you drive to ricky's house and walk up the driveway. you hesitated but knocked eventually.

the door opens and there stood ricky, looking confused but concerned as to why you were here after a month of not talking.


"you were right...", you say, looking down at your fingers.

"about what?"

"about y/bf/n... he cheated on me.."

"i'm sorry i didn't listen to you..", you finally look up at him.

you were caught off guard when he pulled you into a hug. he didn't say "i told you so", he didn't say anything. he just hugged you.

you hugged him back, missing the warmth of his hugs and his usual scent of his stupid cologne. you missed him.

"i missed you", he says, pulling away.

"i missed you too, dork", you smile, genuinely.

the two of you go inside and head to his room, catching up on what the other missed from eachothers lives for that whole month. the two of you laughed and joked like you used too, not realising how much the two of you missed eachother until now.

"not tryna bring back bad memories, but i thought you'd be a mess after a breakup", ricky chuckles a little and looks at you.

"i thought so too, but all i am now is mad. mad at y/ex-bf/n? yes, a little, but i'm more mad at myself for not listening to you.."

"if i'm being honest, i don't know what i saw in him.."

"maybe it was the idea of being in a relationship", he shrugs.

that's not it, ricky.. you have no idea what-

"or maybe i was just trying to get over you", it slips out before you could stop yourself.

crap crap crap..

"i um..", you shut your eyes in embarrassment, laughing nervously.

"ignore that. i don't-"

he cuts you off by kissing you. you were stunned but eventually kissed back after a few seconds. he holds your face as you scoot closer to him, deepening the kiss.

not being able to breathe anymore, he pulls away, hand still holding your face. he doesn't say anything, pushing your hair behind your ear. you bite your slightly swollen lip, looking up at him with your cheeks burning a bright shade of pink and your heart thumping like crazy.

"definitely not over you..", you breathe out with a giggle, making him chuckle.

"definitely not over you either.."

not sure how i feel about this but i hope y'all enjoy <3

- zoe <3

joshua bassett / ricky bowen imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now