3 | Incidents

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Actually funny how grossly I'd overestimated myself concerning the bike thing. Riding to school in the morning wasn't too bad except for the early time I had to get up. The way home was a bit more of an obstacle: The heat in the early afternoon gave me a hard time and I often came home tired and exhausted with lots of still unfinished homework. Popper occasionally scampered upstairs and tried to catch my attention, which usually worked and I ended up playing with him and doing homework half an hour later. As having been told, Larry always took the car early in the morning and sometimes came home late, sometimes I would see him in the afternoon.

I'd caught that Xandra worked as a waitress in a bar somewhere on the strip. She usually headed to work at 4 pm dressed in her curvy work uniform: black jacket, white blouse unbuttoned to her freckled breastbone, tight fitting black pants. She often breezed off to get to the bar with a friend of hers, Sydney or Cortney...or whatever her name was. Sometimes I sat in my room and watched Xandra sauntering to her friend's car, running her fingers through her straight caramel blonde hair and chewing gum. Admittedly, she was a pretty woman. If Larry came home earlier she'd occasionally take the car. But that was all I knew about Xandra's daily life so far.

After having repeated her routine to observe me from time to time for split seconds Xandra soon figured out that I indeed was a quiet girl and as I usually spent most of the time upstairs in my room, doing homework, listening to music or surfing through the web so you'd think it were only Larry and Xandra who lived in the house, Xandra therefore soon lost interest in her observation and analyzation at breakfast and dinner, which I gladly appreciated.

While I slowly got used to living here in the desert area, school was a completely different matter. I noticed that students were staring at me in the corridor and if I walked past them I'd always have the feeling that they were whispering behind my back. Maybe they were just curious about my sudden appearance. Maybe they didn't like my skirt or my blouse. Or maybe they were just talking about something completely different. Or I was just paranoid.

I hadn't made friends yet although Linh, the girl from art class sometimes waved at me with a warm smile if she spotted me in the corridor. She never wore a lot of make up, her black straight hair was normally pinned up and she preferred to wear skirts and blouses. But Linh often hung around with her other friends who apparently didn't seem to be interested in me.

Actually, I missed my old highschool in Atlanta, my friends...- hell even my teachers. Being surrounded by unknown students made me feel so uneasy sometimes but I didn't want to end up as an outsider as well of course.

Today as I was late for math class I scurried down the stairs, hustling to the next corridor but on my way I perceived muffled laughter nearby. At first I took no notice but as a fulminant sound boomed I jerked to a halt and held my breath. Again laughter. Then a locker door was slammed shut. Curiosity reigned and my feet took me to the other corridor, farther away from the classroom.

Just as I was about to walk around the corner I bumped into someone and let out a surprised gasp. Catching the boy's cold expression in front of me I backed off a bit.

"Watch out", he growled in a low voice. He was taller than me and looked like a member of a motorcycle club with his sleeveless black jeans jacket and tattoos on both arms. His piercing blue eyes stared at me. Two other guys were standing behind him.

"Sorry", I stuttered and gulped.

The taller boy harrumphed dismissively and walked past me, hands in his pockets, the other guys following him. I stood there for a moment and watched them disappear. I hadn't noticed until now that my hands were slightly trembling.

"Fuck", I heard a male voice swear not far away from me. I crept around the corner and spotted a guy with black curly hair who was wearing black trousers and a black jacket. Even his sneakers were black. The boy was leaning over some books that were scattered on the floor.

"Are you okay?", I asked timidly and approached him. He whirled around and as his dark brown eyes met mine he hectically tried to collect the books on the floor and murmured something in a language I didn't understand.

"Wait. Let me help you" As if I'd pushed a button the boy at once froze and remained in his position and stared at me while I picked up a book and handed it over to him. His gaze fixed me, then the book. As he slowly stood up with the other books in his hand he tentatively took the book and stuffed them in his black backpack.

"Thank you", he muttered absently with an unmistakeable accent and suddenly without looking back he scurried past me. Dumbfounded I could just stare after him. What was that? What had happened to him? Had those weird guys been involved? Countless questions ran through my head but I soon figured out that I had other problems. Math class! Fuck!

Miss Briggs wasn't very happy to see me arrive out of breath way too late.

"Well, well. 15 minutes late (Y/N)...You are to be in my class at 9:30" She folded her arms and stared at me.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Briggs!", I stammered, "I didn't find the classroom"

Miss Briggs arched an eyebrow. "Really? For 15 minutes?"

"Well, at first I also forgot my book in my locker", I lied and blushed but luckily Miss Briggs didn't seem to notice it. "It won't happen again", I quickly added.

She sighed. "Alright. Take a seat now. Next time I won't be so lenient."

"Thank you", I muttered and walked past her, gaze lowered.

"First row", She suddenly demanded sharply and I bit my lower lip. Whispers went through the classroom as I took a seat. I felt all eyes on me, the gazes boring into my back. I clenched my teeth and took out my math book.


A/N: Who's your favorite Paulson character and why :) ?

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