22 | Flaw in the plan

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When I'd finally graduated school I spent the day after at Boris' house. We were laying on the floor staring at the ceiling, a bottle of red wine between us. I still couldn't believe we'd made it - A new era of my life was about to begin soon. A new era with Xandra.

"God I can't wait to finally leave. I'm sick and tired of Vegas", Boris complained grabbing a pack of chips.

"Leave? When?", I looked at him with wide opened eyes and quickly snatched the pack, grinning as I saw his played indignant expression.

"In two days. My uncle owns an apartment in New York where I can live"

"In two days already? You can't do this to me, I'm going to be so lonely here without you..."

Boris laughed. "Well...You could come with me. The apartment is big enough for the two of us and I don't think my uncle would mind as long as we pay the rent"

"Very funny"

"No, really! I don't think that would be a problem. Also my uncle's working at this company in New York...They're looking for employees"

"As if they would hire you", I joked, earning an annoyed gaze from him. "Okay, okay joking aside - That's very nice of you but I think I'll stay at my uncle's house at least for a while now"

"That's too bad", Boris grabbed some chips, "Life out here will be only half as funny without me"

"Very true", I laughed.

When I got home later that day I called Xandra's name when I entered but it was dead quiet. I investigated the house but neither Larry nor Xandra were home. I just found Popper curled up in a corner, sleeping peacefully. Wow, he must really be tired. As I knew that he usually got very excited when someone came home I became a bit worried and approached him but within a second his eyes shot open and he jumped barking twice in excitement. I giggled. "Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you" He looked at me, panting, decided to lay down again, then fixed me with his dark eyes again.

"You must be thirsty", I assumed. "Okay, hold on a second"

I scurried to the kitchen, turned on the radio and grabbed his bowl. Running in the Night by FM-84 was playing on the radio - one of my favourite songs. My mood brightened at once and I returned with a wide smile and a bowl of water. Popper came running towards me and got excited again.

Afterwards I fetched a yoghurt from the fridge and sat down, listening to the song, thinking about Xandra.

You were wild trying to set yourself free.
I didn't see the signs right in front of me.

Oh I'm running in the night so soon

I've nothing left to loose

I'm leaving it all behind,

Running in the night with you.

I won't let you get away again

We can see it through the end

But whatever we do

I'm running in the night with you.

The memories of last night came into my mind. I still knew exactly how the cool water felt on my skin, how the touch of Xandra's hands on my waist felt. I smiled to myself as I grabbed the spoon. Xandra was the one. She would 'run in the night with me'.

Just as the song ended I perceived noises from outside, Popper barked and the front door was opened. A second later the house was filled with voices and laughter. As Larry, two men and three women entered the kitchen my uncle spotted me at once.

"Oh hi there! Is Xandra around?"

I shook my head and eyed the bunch of strangers lingering near the couch, still talking.

"Right! I forgot she's on night shift today", he remembered.

"Oh, when will she be back?"

He shrugged. "No idea, sorry. You need anything?"

"No I was just wondering", I dodged and smiled politely.

Larry slowly nodded and turned to the people. "So my colleagues and me are outside if you need anything"


"Oh my god I can't believe you still have this orange carpet. Seriously when will you get rid of it?", a woman interrupted our conversation.

A man nudged her and laughed. "Come on, compose yourself. You're annoying enough when you're drunk"

I turned my attention to my yoghurt and listened to the music on the radio instead of observing these people any longer, wondering how long they would stay here.

"You're Larry's niece, right?", a female voice sounded next to me. I looked up in the brunette's face as she grabbed Xandra's gum from the table. The others made their way outside.

"Erm...yeah, that's right. I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you", I stuttered and gave her a smile.

"Mh...fruity...", the woman hummed, referring to the gum and I tried my best not to let my smile fade. "You must be proud of your uncle"

I stopped eating my yoghurt. "In what sense?", I carefully asked, wondering what she was talking about.

"His marriage, you know?", the woman tried to jog my memory with an amused look.

I frowned. "Excuse me?" What on earth was she talking about?

"Well technically they aren't married yet but it's obvious they will", The brunette babbled, making me more confused than before.

"What? Who?"

The woman paused, fixing me with a puzzled look. "What do you mean? Larry and Xandra. Who else, darling?"

Her words led me to freeze and look utterly aghast at her. "W-what? Xandra and L...- I-I think there's a misunderstanding"

"Geez! Girl, am I speaking Chinese? They're going to be engaged soon", she chuckled, chewing Xandra's gum. "Didn't they tell you?"

What the hell was she talking about? I didn't believe a single word. This chick was full of shit, wasn't she?

Without saying a word I grabbed my yoghurt and left the kitchen without looking back, ignoring the woman's stunned and confused expression. I scurried upstairs towards my room. My mind was a mess. There was no way Xandra and Larry were about to get married! But why would the woman claim that they were?

I grabbed my phone from the bed and quickly dialled Xandra's number with a pounding heart. I was sure she would tell me that there was just a huge misunderstanding. I waited and waited but Xandra didn't pick up. Of course not ! She was busy working.

I sat on my bed for a while and played with the thought of asking Larry what the woman had meant but since he was with his weird colleagues I decided to stay here and ask him later.

The woman couldn't be right, could she?


Sorry, a shorter chapter today. Only a few chapters left and I'm not quite sure if I should write a happy or bad ending ;)... We'll see...!

Oh is anyone else obsessed with 80s vibes songs? Just me? :D

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐗𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐚 [Xandra x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now