16 | When I'm gone

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At some point I awake, the rays of sunlight shining on me, a soft breeze tickling my face. I blinked, feeling the hard sandy ground beneath my cheek. I blinked again perceiving the sand dunes in front of me. My eyes stung and were probably still red of crying. I sat up carefully and threw a hand to my head as a dizzy feeling overcame me. God how late was it? Had I spent the entire night in the desert?

I stretched and wiped the grains of sand off my cheek and my shirt.

God, my back hurt... Sleeping on the ground in a desert hadn't been the smartest move, had it?

My gaze roamed over the golden dunes in front of me until I felt a tickling at my calve. As I spotted the big black beetle crawling along my leg I let out a piercing shriek, shaking my leg panic-struck and stumbled backwards. The beetle eventually connected with the ground, didn't move for a moment, then quickly crawled in the other direction. The uneasy feeling hit me that there could be more beetles on me so I stood up and scanned my body intently until I discovered in relief that no other beetle terrorised me.

I wondered how long I'd stayed away from Larry's house. Not that anyone would have cared- especially not Xandra. As much as I longed to stay here for a while in my own world where I could be found by no one I needed to go back home. Neither had I eaten nor drunken anything for quite a while.

On my way home I mulled over what was about to happen next. I surely wouldn't be able to face Xandra, therefore I could just ask Boris to stay at his house for a while. In fact, I didn't even care if I had to spent another night in the desert. Sure lying there was uncomfortable as hell and gross with all those beetles crawling around but at least I could be as far away from Xandra as possible. It was less painful to sleep there than the huge pain Xandra had caused me.

As I finally arrived in front of the garage and stared at the facade of the house I took a deep breath and sneaked inside. Carefully I closed the door behind me, making sure not to move too noisily as I just aimed to grab a few things from my room and leave as fast as I could without being noticed. My gaze fell to my sandy shoes - Shit I should take them off, shouldn't I?

I sneaked to the stairs but as I climbed the first step, someone cleared their throat behind me. I flinched and whirled around to spot Xandra.

Oh, of course it had to be her..! Fucking great...

An intense sting spread through my body as I had to look her in the face, remembering the terrible things she'd said. Xandra stood there in her black and white work uniform, her mascara barely visibly smeared, her gaze empty as she stared at me.

"Where have you been?", Xandra's voice sounded drained, her brown eyes pierced me accusingly.

No, I didn't owe her an answer. I turned around and continued to climb the stairs, trying not to give vent to my feelings. I didn't owe her anything.

As a derogatory snort followed by a laugh of disbelief sounded behind me I bit my lip. "You ignore me?", she remarked, her voice filled with disdain and incredulity.

I couldn't bear to hear her voice any longer, I wanted to get out of here immediately. I aimed to rush to my room and lock the door as fast as I could but before I could even get close to my room Xandra was quick to catch up to me and roughly snatch my arm. "I asked you a question, (Y/N)!" Shell-shocked I tried to get rid of her firm grip but Xandra was a strong woman; I didn't stand a chance.

"Let go of me!", I hissed, causing her to narrow her eyes menacingly.

"Stop acting like a little child!", Xandra growled, her grip around my wrist tightened.

"As if you cared", I spat. Rage glistened in her glassy eyes as she held my gaze. At the short distance I noticed that her mascara was indeed smeared.

"What's that in your hair?" I furrowed my brows and followed her gaze. She extended her other hand and before I could back away she grabbed a thick strand of my hair. For a moment she observed the grains of sand, then fixed me with a confused expression before it clicked. "Have you been outside all night long!?" I maintained my blank stare and remained silent. That's when she got impatient and rattled at my arm. "I asked you a question!!", Xandra's voice boomed, making me flinch.

"Yes", I whispered, averting my gaze, anger burning inside me. What did Xandra think she was doing? First rejecting me coldly, then being mad at me and expecting me to act as if I owed her an answer?

"Huh? What was that?"

"Yes!! I've been in the desert all night long. So what?", I hissed, "It felt so good to be far away from you!!" In her bewilderment Xandra unintentionally loosened the grip around my wrist so I took the chance and stormed towards my room but again Xandra reacted quicker and held me back. She was about to yell something at me but I was quicker. "Oh and guess what? I'll go back cause I don't want to stay here any longer with you in this goddamn house"

In the next moment I felt her painful slap across my cheek which made me silence at one. I gasped in surprise and once I realised what she'd done I looked at her in horror.

"Are you out of your mind?!", Xandra hissed, "What the fuck were you doing in the desert? Imagine all the terrible things that could have happened. You could have got lost or hell knows what else could have happened to you. You don't go anywhere, do you understand me!?", Her brown eyes burned holes through mine. As my eyes got glassy it seemed as if her expression softened for a split second but then her face turned stern again. "You are grounded. You don't leave this goddamn house"

"What? Grounded?", I scoffed. "Who are you? My Mom?"

Xandra took a step towards me and towered in front of me, never averting her gaze. She let go of me and pointed her skinny finger at my chest. "I may not be your mom but you were the one that got to Vegas and has the privilege to stay at my fucking house so you better get yourself some manners because in my house my rules are to be followed. Understood?"

As I felt tears welling up looking in her eyes I gritted my teeth to compose myself at last minute. "Fine", I then growled barely audible and disappeared in my room, slamming the door shut behind me and locking it.

I waited a moment to ensure that Xandra was gone, then I wept freely, slogging along towards the bed to grab my phone. Please Boris, I need you now.

Two new messages from Boris.

Boris: You'll never guess what happened today !!

Boris: Okay idc I'll just tell you straight away. I'm going to Cheryl's party with Linh! Can you believe it?!

Reading the messages again and again I let my hand drop and crouched on the floor. I decided not to tell Boris what had happened since I didn't want to bother or burden him. At least one of us seemed to be happy.

I had to go through this madness on my own.



𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐗𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐚 [Xandra x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now