17 | War in my mind

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The past few days had been torture. As school only started in a week I coudn't even see Boris thanks to Xandra's 'curfew'. Therefore, I did my best to avoid her under any circumstances: I barely made an entrance at breakfast and dinner, always ready with an excuse if Larry asked me why I'd barely left my room lately.

Half past 10. Then sun had gone down long before. I'd been invited earlier to Cheryl's house as she threw a big party for her birthday and had literally invited the whole school. Cheryl was one of those casual "it-girls" in school like shown on nearly every TV show but to be honest I didn't really care about her. For her it was important to throw the best party of all time to maintain her reputation at school. I on the other hand wanted to get out of here and meet Boris and Linh again, therefore the opportunity seemed perfect.

I lurked in the corridor and let a moment pass, listening carefully before I approached the staircase on tiptoes. As the lights downstairs suddenly lit up I froze and held my breath. Footsteps could be heard, then voices. A door was shut. I cautiously stuck my head round the corner and spotted some of Xandra's friends approaching the couch, one of them carrying a bottle of wine. When Xandra's voice sounded and my eyes caught her figure entering the living room I backed off. Dang. It was impossible to make it to the front door unnoticed. God, how awkward would it be to get caught by Xandra and to be given a good telling-off by her in front of her friends...

Xandra might think she had the whip hand in this house but I wouldn't do her the favour and stay at home like a well-behaved child. Not after everything that had happened. She could break my heart but not imprison me in the house forever.

I leaned against the wall and listened to their laughter. Well, if I couldn't get to the door I had to come up with an alternative idea. I scurried to my room and shut the door behind me. I snatched my cardigan and approached the window. If I climbed out carefully and balanced along the house facade to the canopy this could actually work and no one would likely notice my absence. My plan was simply foolproof. Xandra wouldn't even notice anything! Not that I would care if she did notice.

As I climbed out of the window a piercing cold seized my body. Somehow I managed to get to the canopy without problems. As I looked down I gulped at the actual depth.  Okay, now my creativity was required.

The front door opened promptly causing me to stumble backwards in shock and pressed my back into the facade behind me. A woman with long black hair approached the car standing in the driveway. She opened the car's drunk and revealed a handbag before she made her way back to the house. She couldn't see me right? It was too dark. I impatiently waited until I heard the front door close before letting out a released sigh. That would have been an awkward situation if I'd been caught...

As I'd managed to climb down and felt the ground beneath my feet again I shot a last glance at the house before I grabbed my bike standing in front of the garage and drove into the darkness straight to Cheryl's house.


As Cheryl's parents were kind of rich (at least that was what the rumours said) it was no surprise that their house was indeed huge. When I arrived it towered in front of me, colourful lights flashing through the windows. Muffled music could be heard from  the street. I hid my bike in the bushes before approaching the front door. Just as I was about to figure out where the doorbell was, the door was opened abruptly and a redhead nearly bumped into me.

"Oh, fuck. You scared the hell out of me", I heard her mumble before her blue eyes found my eyes. Cheryl.

"Uh...sorry?", I replied.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐗𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐚 [Xandra x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now