Cured Mira

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I woke up in the middle of the night and I was freezing cold. My body was wet and I was shivering, but I was too weak to move. I looked for Galen, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I started to panic and forced myself to sit up, nearly throwing up as I did so. I couldn't move my legs, it hurt my stomach too much.

"Galen?" My voice was hoarse. I was thirsty. No answer came. "Galen? Anya?"

There was no one else in the room. I was shivering so hard my teeth were audibly chattering, but I couldn't move. I was completely helpless.

And then I felt a bolt of lightning go down my spine. I sat up ramrod straight and threw the blankets off of my legs, throwing them off of the bed as well. I got up and stumbled to the door, peaking into the hallway to make sure no one was in the hall before I made my way shakily to the stairs. I climbed down like I was on a mountain but managed to get to the bottom just fine, checking to make sure no one was in the kitchen either. I snuck past the guest bedroom and to the back door, opening it as quietly as I could. I closed it behind me and stumbled out into the snowy back yard.

As wonderful as the snow felt against my skin, I didn't dare put more than my feet in it. The sky was dark, covered in clouds, but as soon as the moon came out I felt it hit me like a train.

My magic.

It flowed into my every orafice, into my eyes, nose and mouth, under my finger nails, through my pores. It tickled my cheeks and blew through my hair and entered my lungs, when I inhaled, like smoke, and my body wasn't handling it too well. It hurt, burned as it coursed through my body and settled all over me, almost like I was being burned from the inside. I was too weak to control it and it roiled around inside of me, making me dizzy and my stomach upset. The heat flared and the snow started to evaporate underneath me. I fell to my hands and knees and within seconds I was on the wet ground instead of snow. I fought to keep it back, but it was ignoring me. I felt my skin begin to burn, my head screaming in pain as my magic forced itself into every inch of my being. I put my head on the ground and the mud actually began to bubble, the water droplets on the grass evaporating. I fought harder, pushing and pulling at my magic, but it wasn't listening. It was like water that had broken through a dam; it was only getting worse.

The ground was shaking beneath me; That's how hard I was fighting my abilities. My strength was starting to fade. I was getting too dizzy to even sit up. Finally my body gave out and I slumped to the ground. The ground stopped rumbling and my magic evaporated all the liquid within a ten foot radius of my body. The burning feeling started to go away and I began to shiver. I curled into myself, hugging my legs as close as I could.

"Mary," I whispered. "Sorry. I'm kind of stuck outside." I shivered violently. "It's an emergency. My magic came back and I think I may have just made it angry."

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