2. Why me?

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Evan peters smile above 😍😍😍 dont u just love him? He is legit the perfect person to play Alec so dark and mysterious but super cute lol. I'll stop rambling and give u your update which I'll remind is an early one!!!

    Of course homeroom didn't go by as fast as I would have hoped. Every hour dragged on till finally my favorite period lunch( don't judge me I love food.) I get in the hot line and grab my favorite Monday meal chicken nugget Monday. I head to my favorite lunch spot, outside under the big oak tree. It's a lot more peaceful out here than in the lunchroom with a bunch of judgemental people.
    Really only the nobodies eat out here the lunchroom is where all the popular kids eat. I sit on the soft grass and start to eat my lunch. Dipping the chicken nuggets and the roll into my mashed potatoes and gravy. Mmmm the savory taste. I really only get good food at school so I try and enjoy it the best I can.
    I hurry up and eat my green beans and throw the tray away. I sit back down under the tree and just breath in the fresh air. I've always loved living in California, being close to the beach, the warm hot sun shining most of the year. Just wish I didn't live with my mom. I think back to the time my dad left us.....
                      *8 years ago*
    I sit on the stairs of my childhood home and listen quietly to the screaming and fighting from my parents.
Janet- "why are you doing this to us David? I thought u loved me? I thought our vows meant something to you. Remember till death do us part? It didn't say till you become a pussy and decide to leave your family"
David- " I'm tired of the abuse Janet all u do is  put me down and treat me like shit. I deserve better. I have spent 12 years married to u and other than V it's been wasted. I work two jobs to support us and you don't appreciate it at all you sit on your ass and draw disability checks when you could work part time somewhere but you don't. So I'm leaving it's been a long time coming."
Janet- " David please don't do this. Think about Veronica she needs her father in her life."
David- " I am thinking about V she is the only one that matters to me anymore. She doesn't need to continuously see us fighting anymore it's not healthy. Just let me get my shit together and then I will be back for her.
    I watch as he gets his bags and goes and puts them in the car. He comes back inside and rushes over to me. " daddy please don't go away. Please take me with you." " V I promise I will come back for you as soon as I can baby okay." He gave me a hug and kissed my forehead and walked out the door.
    And after 5 years of waiting for him I gave up. I used to spend so much time while my mom was hitting me praying he would come back for me, to take me away from the hatred of her hands and mouth but he never did. The day he left is when it first started. She no longer had my dad to push around so I become her punching bag. With her hands, feet and words and the majority of the time the words said were the worst kind of pain.
    I break out of my thoughts just as the bell rang for 6th period gym ugh my least favorite subject. I wipe the tear that had escaped my eye and head off towards the gym. Gym was only a 3 min walk around campus. I walk into the girls locker room and hurry up and change into my gym shorts and T-shirt. Good thing I wore my tennis shoes today. "Alright class were gonna be playing volleyball today so the gym is divided with the boys so they can play basketball." Ms. Hinton said. All the girls of course freak out. I of course roll my eyes, it's not that big of deal to share the gym with the guys.
    So we all head out and my thoughts change when I catch a glimpse of a certain bad boy across the gym. He turns his head like he knew I was staring and for a straight minute we were deep into a staring contest. I break eye contact and hurry to my side of the net. I'm pretty good at volleyball well most sports, but my mom never lets me try out for the teams because she is afraid her marks on my skin would show and that would lead to questions. It's just easier for everyone if I didn't play.
    When it's my turn to serve, I throw the ball in the air and smack it over the net with ease. We go back and forth all period. Duh that's how that works. My team ends up winning 25-15. We all hustle into the locker room. I jump into the showers just to get the sweat off of me. I rinse off real fast. Dry off and out my jeans and T-shirt back on. I dry my hair the best I could and threw it up in a bun.
    I grab my bag and head to the last class of the day Human relations. Which is basically a class that over the course of the year you get partnered with each person in class for 2 weeks and you have to write a 2 page essay about the person. Why I signed up for the class I don't know. I can't let anyone find out about my home life or my mom will legit beat the fuck out of me. I guess I'll have to lie like I have always done. It's honestly why I don't have friends because I don't want to have to lie to them all the time.
    I walk into class without looking around. I'm just glad it's the last class. But dreading it because it means I'm closer to going home. I find a seat in the back and sit down. Kids start to shuffle in and shortly after the bell rings. Mrs Davis gets up from behind her desk and begins writing her name on the board. " okay class you all know about what we do in this class and I have already picked the first set of partners."
    She starts reading off names and I zone her out. I finally look around the room. That's when I see Alec on the other side of the class. He hasn't caught me looking yet so I take the time and admire him. I've never noticed just how strong his jawline is or how his hair falls. Man can he get any cuter? He suddenly looks up at me. Oh shit did I say that out loud? I look around and no one else is looking so I guess not?
    I look back at him and he smiles a crooked smile at me. Oh my god his dimples 😍😍😍. I just had to ask if he could get any cuter and turns out guys he can. I am a bit startled when Mrs. David says my name " Veronica you are partnered with Alec." My mouth drops open in shock. Why me?

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