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I'm woken up by my mom banging on my door telling me I have 30 minutes to be up and ready before she smacks the shit out of me. Yes my mother abuses me and has for as long as I can remember. "Okay mom" I said in the nicest voice possible. I hear her stomp down the stairs. I hurry up and go to my tiny closet and pull on some basic jeans and a black T-shirt that has a hole at the bottom.
If you couldn't guess I'm super poor, my mom doesn't work and draws disability checks so I only get new clothes every few years and they are bought at goodwill since that's all we can afford. I throw my hair in a ponytail( my usual style unless I'm covering up a bruise on my face) slip on some tennis shoes from last year and head downstairs. I go to the kitchen where my mom is she hands me a package of pop tarts and tells me that's all we got right now.
I grab it from her and she looks at me and smiles, gives me a hug and tells me she is proud of me. I don't reciprocate the hug which just pisses her off and she smacks me in the back of the head and tells me I'm a worthless piece of shit since I didn't hug her back. I swear this woman is the most bipolar person I have ever met in my life.
I walk out the door with my breakfast in hand. I walk to school for 2 reasons 1. Poor so we don't have a car and 2. We only live about a mile from school. I eat my breakfast on the way to school and then just pop a piece of gum into my mouth to at least help. I get to school with only 15 min to spare before homeroom. So I walk to my locker to get a book out so I have something to do for homeroom and my algebra book since I have that first period.
When I get there though the schools bad boy Alec and the headcheerleader which is his gf are making out on my locker. Gross!!! "Um excuse me" I barely get out loud enough for them to hear me. They stop kissing and Alec seems annoyed. Great this is not what I want on the first day I just want to go unnoticed. " Can u maybe scoot down a locker or two I need in mine?" Madison rolls her eyes and asks " who even are you? Do you even go to this school?"
This is how it always is no one knows me because I'm invisible. "Never mind babe let's go make out at my locker" she says. They walk off but not before Alec looks back with a curious expression on his face. I turn away real quick completely red. He is the cutest guy in this school. Why do I have to be so ugly? I'm 5'6 dirty blonde hair, weigh 160lbs which I'm told daily by everyone including my mom that I'm a fatass and no one will ever love me.
While Alec loves girls like Madison. Gorgeous brown hair, 5'8, 120lbs toned because she is the head cheerleader. He could never love someone as ugly as me. The bell rings. I roll my eyes and finally open my locker grab my fifty shades of grey book( don't judge me) and my algebra book. Slam my locker closed and head to homeroom. I think to myself please let today go by super fast.

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