7. Stay

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*pictured above is the waiting room at the hospital Veronica is at*

    Alec's point of view( night of the overdose)

    We pull up to her house. I can tell that she's nervous but I don't know why. We start to walk up to the porch. Veronica looks at me and says "Alec you don't have to walk me to my door." I smile at her " I know but I want to." She's so cute when she tries to push me away. I don't know why she does it but I will find out. Veronica goes for the knob but the door swings open revealing a heavier set woman with dark hair. I hold out my hand for her to shake. "Hello, my name is Alec" she shakes my hand then tells us both to come in. I look at Veronica and she looks terrified. Why is she scared of her mother?
    A man gets off the couch and walks over to Veronica's mom and wraps his arm around her. He waves in our direction and I smile back. He gives me weird vibes. He's y'all a little taller than me and wears a smirk that gives me the creeps. He introduces himself and then says he and Veronica's mom are dating. At this point something snaps in Veronica. She screams " oh so this is the friend you have been hanging out with?" She looks shocked and hurt. All I want to do is hold her and tell her everything will be okay. Her mom looks at me.
    "Maybe you should go." I see how angry she is. I look at Veronica "it's okay I'll text you later" she says. I question the hurt behind her words for a second, but I decide to leave even though I don't want to. I walk back my car and get in. I decide to just drive around. I send a text to my mom letting her know I'm okay and will be home before curfew(11pm). I decide to head to the park by Veronica's house. I get out of the car and walk over to the swings. I sit and think back to the day I was here with Veronica, my angel. We almost kissed. We promised we would tell each other the truth about everything, but I know she's hiding something, but I am too.
    She thinks my parents are together but they're not. I just feel like her secret is bigger than divorced parents. Plus her mom just seems so angry. I pull out my phone still no text text from her and it's already 10:15pm. I'll wait until 10:30pm and then I'm going back over there. Time seems to go by so slowly but before too long it's 10:30. I send a text to my mom.

I head over to Veronica's

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I head over to Veronica's. The car that was in the driveway is gone and the lights are all out except one upstairs. I knock on the door. No answer. So I knock again a little louder this time. Still nothing so I go to the window with the light on it's not too high I can climb up safely. I climb up to the seal and peak in. I was horrified by what I saw. My angel laying on her bedroom floor a empty pill bottle in her hand. I throw the window open and pull myself in. I check to see if she has a pulse. It's super faint. I call 911 and then start CPR until they arrive. When they show up they rush in and take her away.
    Please be okay! I call my mom and tell her Veronica overdosed on pills and they are taking her to the hospital. I get in my car and rush to the hospital not caring about the speed limits. I make it to the hospital in under 5 minutes praying the entire way. I park my car and rush in threw the doors. I quickly run up to the reception desk. "Can you please tell me what room Veronica Williams is in?"
"I'm sorry but only family members are allowed in the rooms. Are you of relation to her?"
I thought for a minute I could lie and say I'm related but I end up just telling her that she's my best-friend. She tells me to have a seat in the waiting room and someone would be out shortly to let me know what's going on. I go over and sit down in the waiting room. There's a tv but it's not on and the chairs are white. I'm not huge in any particular religion, but I have prayed so many times tonight hoping my angel is okay.
    After about an hour my mom walks in. She sees me and runs over and hugs me. I'm super close to my mom and she knows how much I like Veronica.
"She's gonna be just fine. Have you heard anything yet?" I shake my head no. Just then the dr walks in asking for family of Veronica Williams. Her mother still isn't here so my mother and I stand up and go over. I explain to   the dr that I'm the one who found her and called 911. Since there was no one else here for her he explained what was going on.

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