6. Alive

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Aren't foxes so cute 🥰🥰🥰. There will be a lot of text messages in this chapter so I'm sorry!!

    *Beep Beep Beep*
I slowly start to open my eyes. I'm not supposed to even be alive. I take in my surroundings. I'm in the hospital hooked up to tons of monitors. I feel like I'm going to puke. The dr comes in.
"Miss Williams how are you feeling?" The dr asks kindly. I try and talk but it comes out hoarse. I grab my throat.
"You're gonna be in some pain. Do you know why your here?" I hesitate but shake my head yes.
"Good you have been in a coma for 3 days now. We had to pump the pills out of your stomach which is why you may experience some pain and nausea. It's a good thing that boy found you when he did." I look at him confused. Alec found me dying? How am I going to explain that to him?
"Let me know if you need anything." The dr said before leaving. I grab my phone out of my belongings, but before I can send Alec a text someone knocks on the door. I quietly let out a "come in" just as the door opens and in walks Alec.
"Hey glad to see you finally awake."

"Thanks" I say my throat sore and dry still. He pulls out a nice cold bottle of water from his bag. "Thought you might need this when you woke up"
"Thank you" I say looking directly into his eyes. We both know it had multiple meanings. A part of me is glad that Alec found me in time, but a little part of me is sad and mad. I'm tired of having to deal with my mom. The room is silent and I know the question that's coming next.
"Angel why did you try to kill yourself?" I look defeated. And I'm about to just come clean when the door bursts open and in walks my mother. "Veronica how could you do something so idiotic?" She yells before realizing that we aren't alone in this room. "Oh Alec so nice to see you again. Can Veronica and I have a little chat alone?"
    Alec looks at me sympathetically then looks to my mother with a glare. " I'll be right outside angel." Then he walks out closing the door behind him. My mother then turns to me, grabs my arm hard enough to cut off circulation "don't you ever pull a stunt like that again, but just proves how incompetent you are can't even kill yourself properly. Just wait until you get home bitch you have a good ole beating waiting for you."
    The door opens and I yank my arm away giving my mom a hateful look. The dr walks in and says "hello I'm Dr. Adams you must be Veronica's mother" they start talking about what happened before I tune them out. I wipe my tears and rub my arm where her hold has now left a red mark before anyone sees them and asks questions. I thought no one saw but Alec was watching the whole time.
    Shit I don't know if I can keep on lying to him. Did he see my mom grab me or hear what she said? The dr looks looks at me and says "we're gonna keep you for another 24 hours just to make sure you're okay then you can go home." I fake smile and my mom thanks him. He leaves soon after. My mom turns to me and says " I'll be back tomorrow to pick you up." Then she's gone. I try and just breath. I don't have much longer to go before my birthday maybe I can just toughen it out. I'm getting really tired so I yawn.
    Alec walks in the room and sits down on the edge of the bed. " you know the two weeks are almost up and we still haven't finished the assignment."
"I'm sorry we could work on it right now if you want to."
"No, that can wait" he said kind of harshly. I don't know why he is being so hateful. "You never answered my question." Shit I was hoping he would forget about it. I take a deep breath. Things are about to get crazy messy tight now. "It's a long and not so happy story." I say as I look right at him. "I have nothing but time Veronica."
    I start from the beginning and tell him about my dad and then I tell him about my mom. When I'm all done he looks at me in disgust.
"Veronica that's pathetic. To let your mom hit you like that. You probably deserved it." His words cut deep into my soul. Where is this coming from? Why is he acting so rude? Why would he say that to me?
    Before too long I'm crying so hard. I look at him with curiosity and hurt. "Alec why would you say those things to me?" He doesn't say anything. He just looks at me with no expression or emotion. I feel a nudge. "Angel wake up." I'm jolted awake. Of course that was a dream a nightmare really.
"Why were you crying angel?"
"It was just a bad dream" I say wiping the tears off my face. I can't tell him. He will think the worst of me. There's a knock on the door. A nurse peeps her head in and says " visiting hours are over in 10 minutes" she smiles at Alec then leaves.
"Well I guess I better get going Angel. I'll see you tomorrow" he says rubbing circles on the back of my hand which makes the butterflies soar in my stomach. I smile and he leaves me to my thoughts. How am I ever going to tell him the truth? I know we promised each other that we would tell the truth but I know if I do he will end up just leaving and I'll lose the only friend I have. Shit I've missed a few days of work.
    I get out my phone and see a text from Bill.

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