4. Deal

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    I finish walking over and sit down. " hey you made it here right on time did your mom drop you off?
"Uhh no I walked here, it wasn't far."
"Why didn't you say you needed a ride angel I could have picked you up?" He leans back with a cocky grin.
"Alec 1. I told you it wasn't far so that wasn't an issue and 2. What did I tell you about calling me angel?" I say a little agitated.
" Next time you need a ride let me know you don't need to be walking if I can give you a ride."
I roll my eyes " why don't we get started on the paper?" The waitress comes over to our table with menus and gives us each one. I put mine down on the table without even looking at it. I didn't bring any money for anything.
" What can I get y'all?"
" can I just get a water?" I said quickly. Alec turns to me and gives me a look. He turns back to the waitress and says can we get two plates of cheesy fries and two dr peppers please?" I give him a death glare. " Sure thing I'll have that right out" she says as she's taking the menus back. She heads off towards the kitchen.
"Alec I didn't bring any cash to pay for that."
"It's all good I did."
"You didn't have to do that though I would have been fine with just the water. I'll pay you back as soon as I get paid."
"Don't worry about it Veronica I said I got it." I'm paying him back whether he likes it or not. We get out our worksheets and we start asking questions.

"Okay so what's your full name angel?""Well it definitely isn't angel" I said as I rolled my eyes which made Alec laugh

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"Okay so what's your full name angel?"
"Well it definitely isn't angel" I said as I rolled my eyes which made Alec laugh. " you know since u love nicknames so much I think you need one as well. How about Casanova since u apparently love to flirt with anyone with legs?" I bust up laughing and so does Alec.
"Angel who said I was flirting with you?"
"I-um I didn't mean u were flirting with me just that u flirt with everyone. How about we just work on the paper?"
The waitress brings over our food and we both say thanks. We dig in then answer questions. "Anyway to answer your question earlier my full name is Veronica Isabell Williams. What about you? What's your full name?"
" it's Alec Finn Brewers. I was named after my dad." He says unemotional. Hmm maybe he doesn't like his dad. Well welcome to the club. We both go threw the questions one by one and find out he is only 2 weeks older than me since his birthday is December 21st. We were both born here in Richmond California. The color of our hair and eyes is obvious.
We both share our height which I call him a skyscraper since he is 6' and he looks at me and smiles an evil grin "that's okay angel I like my girls short easier to lift." My cheeks go red and I choke on some soda. Which has him laughing again.
" wow you sure are a cocky one Casanova." Yes by now the nicknames aren't fazing us.
"Just being honest Angel. Okay next question any siblings?"
"No what about you?"
"Nope they stopped after me since they got perfection the first time!" I scoff.
"Of course they did" I said with an eye roll. "What's your parents names Casanova?" His whole demeanor changes. His body goes still. " I really don't want to talk about them." He said completely agitated.
"Okay that's fine but it's just there names."
" I said I don't want to talk about it okay?" He said loud enough for the whole diner to hear. I jump back a little scared from his outburst. "Why don't we call it a night?" He says. He then walks over to the cash register to pay I see the total $14.50 he hands the cashier a $20 and tells her to keep the change. He walks back over to the table and says " sorry for yelling a minute ago just my parents is a touchy subject" I smile " that's okay I understand." I pull out my phone. "Shit it's 8:50 I'm never gonna make it home before 9pm."
" I'll give u a ride come on."
We walk out of the diner and towards his car. I open the door and get in. My mouth drops opens and I'm now touching all the insides. He gets in and looks at me " why are you feeling up my car?"
"Oh I'm sorry just this car is so amazing inside I can tell u got all the upgrades."
"You know cars?" He questions me. I look at him shyly " yeah my dad taught me all about cars from a young age and since then I have always loved them. Mostly fast ones."
He smiles a real genuine smile and says " well let me show you how fast my baby can go." I give him my address and he hits the accelerator hard and we fly threw town. He pulls up to my driveway we made it in 5 minutes which doesn't surprise me since he was going double the speed limit. I notice the lights on inside. Shit!! I know I'm gonna pay for this. "Thanks for the ride Alec" I say as I'm unbuckling my seat belt. I grab my stuff and close the car door.
As I'm running up the porch my mom comes out with an evil smirk on her face. Alec pulls away but not before waving back at me. Shit my mom now knows I wasn't working on my paper with a girl. She grabs me by the hair and I wince in pain. She pulls me inside still latched on to my hair. She closes the door and throws me to the floor, but before I can even think about getting up she's kicking me.
In the stomach, back and side over and over again. I roll up in a fetal position and try to go somewhere else with my mind. As she's kicking me she's screaming "worthless piece of shit. Had to go get laid you fucking slut. I hope you get an STD you fucking whore." I just lay there and take it. Every word, every kick digs deep into my soul and my worth as a person. What felt like hours of torture could have just been minutes but she's finally done and gone to bed. I struggle to get up and make it up the stairs but after a few minutes I do.
I get to my room and I lay on the bed. I pull out my phone and see I have 2 text messages. One is from Alec and the other is from an unknown number. I open Alec's first and it reads

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