Chapter 2 - Don't sail out further than you can row back

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  ((Just realized my story may have a bit *cough* of reference to Pink Corruption by Luke the Dubber , I believe.... go watch their episodes of Pink Corruption because they are EPIC!!))

Y/n POV:

"Hello and welcome to Paradise! I'm y/n, the caretaker of yellow triangle. Their name is Gold." I said as I smiled to the new visitors and tourists. "This is f/n, the three of us will give you a mini, brief tour of the main part of Paradise, Triseden."
Gold flouted forward so she would be more visible to the shapes then said, "And if you have questions, wait until we stop talking. We will say when we will be taking questions. Raise you hand and wait patiently, now enjoy the tour!" Gold was always energetic, she loved helping me.
My mind started to wander off as I heard f/n explain a couple of rules. Suddenly I thought of how I met Gold. I still remember the day I got her. Although it was over a year ago, I remember it as if it was yesterday...


"I-I don't know, Cube... it seems like a really big responsibility..." I stuttered out. Cube, my square headed friend, requested that I become a caretaker, just like him. He had his own guardian, the blue square.
Guardians are REALLY important to the culture and society of Paradise. Guardians protect this place from any extreme danger. This tradition of caretakers raising Guardians had been going on for decades! It's an honor, but stressful...
"Gee y/n! It's not as bad as you think! And plus, you know that you're one of the few pure bloods." Cube told me.
'Pure Bloods'... that's nothing too interesting, it just means that you're whole family has an obvious factor. For example, same colour (fudge that sounds racist, I'm extremely sorry-), same shape, or everyone came from Paradise. Me? All of my family are h/s's. Cube is all Paradise. Cool I guess.
"I know, I know.... ghhhhhhhgggg, fineeeeeee I'll do it. ONLY because this is an important part of our culture!"
"Thanks y/n!! Come on! We gotta go to the Temple of the Sun and tell 'em all you're going to do it!"
~two days later~
Well, this is the day, today I am receiving the second guardian. Oh boy am I dying insideeee. I get myself ready and walk- I mean Run to the ceremony. I don't think I'm late, but better safe than sorry. As I arrive, I see the priest person thingy (I know what I'm talking about- I think) holding ... a bracelet? Over a hundred of shapes were gathered around for this ceremony, also creating a little pathway for me to walk through. I walk up to the priest and they say to me, with a warm smile, "Y/n l/n, pure blood, you are here to raise the Second Guardian. The yellow triangle, correct?"
"Yes." I answered.
"And you promise, to make sure they grow to be strong and kind, so they protect us all fairly?"
"Yes." Holy gosh why am I nervous?? The hundreds, possibly THOUSANDS pairs of eyes are DefInAteLy not the reason.
They nodded, smiling gently, and responded, "Very good. Have this bracelet, to signify your role as caretaker." They undo the lock part as I give my right arm out, they then proceed to put the bracelet on.

As soon as it was on, a bright yellow light shone and out of it came out a little figure. A yellow, triangle head with tiny pigtails. "Hello! I'm Gold!"

~back to the future-IMeanPresenttt~

F/n had finished explaining the rules to everyone, and we all went into the tour bus. Come on, you didn't think we would WALK around, did ya?... who am I saying this to? ((*angry noises*))
I read my little notebook with the list of what to be mentioning. 'Better to make sure I remember everything than forget something' I thought. One year of doing this and I still needed my notebook. Luckily, Gold and f/n were here to remind me. I'm the one who knows the most about this place.


Job. Finally. Done! I loved my job but oh my Sunny- staying at home is better!!
"You look tired, would you like me to make dinner instead?" Gold squeaked out, quickly dashing from side to side as if teleporting. Sorta aimlessly teleporting.
With a tired smile on my face, I tiredly responded, "Gold, you're a bit small. Although I know you're stronger, you may still have some difficulties. So you can help, but not actually do the whole thing by yourself. Plus, I feel guilty when I make you do my work without me helping."
Gold began to pout. Now usually, if a guardian pouts, it means that they are not progressing and growing, meaning that I basically failed my job as a caretaker. But, the thing is, this is Gold here. She was mature, just acts like a child to mess with me. She's a sweetheart though, so I didn't mind.

After dinner, I walked to my front garden with Gold sitting on my left shoulder. I had lots of flowers in my garden, but mostly f/f. They make me happy. Although I do tours of the more urban part of Triseden, I lived in a rural area. Not the very edge, but not central either. I just liked the wildlife and nature. I close my eyes and listened to the natural sounds of nature.

My eyes opened and I look to the side, where I saw Cube running to me like his life depended on it. I also see Square dashing towards me, they looked a bit beaten up, what happened?!

"Cube! Square! What happened, what's wrong?!" I practically shouted at the top of my lungs, as they keep on sprinting and dashing.
Cube starts to slow down and was soon in front of me, panting like a dog, their tear was showing. Square tried to speak, but each attempt ended in a series of dry coughs.
"N/n," Cube whispers to me in between breaths, and continues, "there is some kind of monsters corrupting the place! We need to evacuate!"
"Oka-!" I stop myself... Square is beaten... did they try to go alone? "Why is Square so damaged??"
Cube started to sweat, clearly nervous. Square said, "We tried to stop them as soon as we saw them, I thought I could han-"
I interrupted him, "You went on your own!??" Gold was also pretty mad that her own friend didn't ask for help. "You could have been killed! Don't sail out further than you can row back! I'm sure you know that!!" I was pretty much screaming at this point, tears threatening to fall.
"We're sorry n/n, it won't happen again, but we really need to move on, some shapes are already evacuating. Penny and Cir are waiting for Square and Gold near the Tree of Life!" I nod, understanding what was going on. Well. Sorta.

Square and Gold dashed away to the other two guardians.

This is what we have been training for...

((I'm sorry this isn't as interesting..))

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