Chapter 8 - When pigs fly

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Darkness. Warmth. Didn't think I'd ever say this, but I want to stay like this. Warm, fluffy blanket over me and a cool, small sting...
'Wait. Where in the name of Sunny am I?' I hesitated to open my eyes to know but curiosity got the better of me; slowly but surely I opened my eyes. Surprisingly, there wasn't any bright, blinding light like usually said in fanfics or stories. It was pretty dark but not to the point where I couldn't see anything, I actually saw the little outlines of the objects in the room I was in.

As a small summary to what I saw: bed I was on; something folded on 'my' bed (most likely clothes); a small bed stall with paper and a lamp on it and lastly two doors. I rubbed the sleepiness off my eyes and prepared myself for the temporary blindness I would get from the lights.

After a minute or two from turning on the lights, my vision turned back to normal and I looked around me. The bed I was on was possibly king or queen sized seeing as there was a lot of space on the bed. On the left side, on the centre of the wall was a huge window. I bet, if I were to stand on the windowsill then there would still be a little bit of space above my head. When I thought about it, the ceiling was pretty high up, or maybe it was my imagination, I did spend a couple of hours outside in the open.

'Wait a minute, there was some kind of pink demon attacking the Treeangle, what's happening now?! Is Gold and Square okay?! Oh gosh!'

I threw the fluffy blanket off of me and swung my legs over to the right side of the bed. Then I remembered the clothes, and I glanced down at what I'm wearing. A baggy, white Victory Ace shirt that felt like a huge dress gown and some grey shorts reaching my knees.

 A baggy, white Victory Ace shirt that felt like a huge dress gown and some grey shorts reaching my knees

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((The clothes))
"Who. The frick. Changed me.." I questioned myself, scared to know the answer. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind; I looked at the bed stall and reached for the paper.
It read:

"Dear Triangle Carer,
My dearest apologies for the harsh handling by Amyntas, she's fairly new. That aside, feel free to get ready, take a shower/ bath, look around for some better fitting clothes. I had some (female) servants change you, don't worry about a thing!
Once you are done, you can come out through the door (to the right) and outside will stand Barracuda. They will guide you to me. I would like to speak to you.
Hope you are feeling fine and the sting isn't much of a bother.
- King Fresh"

"King Fresh? Never heard of a king named 'fresh'." I said to myself, a little weirded out, feeling the cold air of the room hit my skin as I grabbed the neatly folded clothes and headed to the door on the left, guessing it will lead to a bathroom, which it did! I walked in and head to the shower area/ bath tub, then turned on the water, with some struggle because it looked weird. Quickly, I cleaned myself off so I can feel refreshed and ready. After a few minutes, I stepped off and found a plain, clean towel with a little paper note on it saying "for you". Weird. Just weird. I dried myself with the large towel while random thoughts crossed my mind.

'Am I supposed to be a prisoner here? Why am I given these stuff? Do they have some awful plan? Are they trying to make me trust them? Will I turn out to trust them...? Lol, of course! When pigs fly.'

Soon I finished and realised, I haven't had a good look at what clothes this 'King Fresh' has gave me. As I wrap the towel around me, (even though no one was around, I was cold so that's my reason) I walked towards the still folded clothes and checked out what I have got.
Erm. Could have been worse, I guess?

King Fresh POV

I had been sitting on my throne for a while, playing my guitar as lightning roared in the background.

'F̛̙̞̰͎̋̊͂ỏ͟͝ͅṛ̺̅̽ ̣͙̎̂Ṯ̺͉̯̀̊̔͝h̙̪̾͛͜͞e͉͢͞͠ ̢̫͊̕T̘̗̮̥̆́͌̽r̳̿ī̗̄͜n̪͓̂͆i͇͒t̼͇̰͍͆̓̄͌y͍̰̗̔͛͠'s̟̣̐͠ ̜̝̅͐s͙͇͐́a̭̙̳̝͊̾͘͜͝͞k̗̘̈̕ĕ͓!͉͕͙̫͂̄͊͠ ̬̦͆̽Ṡ̳͕́t͕̘͑̄o̧̒̕ͅp̱̈ ̘͝p̡͠l͔̈a̜̔̃͜ȳ̙i̛̗̺̼̞̣̔̋͂́nģ͚̿̎ ̡̡͖̉͋͠t̛̛̲̲̼͕̩͑̋́h̼̑at ̠̳̦͔̍̓̀͞ţ̆̀̿͜͢h͕͔̃́i̙͋n̳̱̄͗g͙̦̣͌̃̓!̙͚̉̉' ?̶̨̫̪̞͍̜̭͗̑͒̆̄̂͜͠?̵̢̨̣̰̼͓̣̾͐̾͑̐̑̐́͐̅̍͜ͅ?̴̢͚͈̋̓̉̀̏͆́̋͂͜͝͝?̶͉̝̇̂̋?̸̨̫̫̹̓͐͐̎̂̿̐̿̊͠?̵̳̳͇̱̫̞͕̣̠̃͐?̶̛͍̟̼̻̋̈́̐͂̃͘ͅ?̷̡͈͉͕̽̎͂̈̔̎͋̈?ũ̸͈̟̙̝͓̘͓͋̂̈́͒̅?̸̺̪̝̅̒͒̉͂͝said, venom all over his voice.

'Nah' I responded in my mind to the demon. The sound of my guitar playing echoed around me, just like in those concerts I loved going to when I was younger. A growl left my mouth as I strummed down with a lot of force, but not enough to break my precious guitar.

Minutes passed of me just playing a few tunes and experimenting with chords when I ever so faintly heard a familiar voice call out to me.

"Fresh for f**k's sake!" Barracuda, clearly irritated, screamed at me, their hands covering their 'ears' to block out the loud music.

Smirking, I set my guitar to the side, standing up and walking towards my loyal warrior and closest friend. My footsteps were muffled by the occasional lightning in the distance and the distant footsteps of other shapes running in panic. A wider smile plastered itself on my face as I now stood in front of my best friend, Barracuda.

"Come on, you can't be angry at me, I know you can't." Playfully, I mocked the pink triangle as they rolled their eye at me, sighing in defeat.

"King Fresh, I brought the triangle caretaker, as you wished." They said, in a professional tone as they stood with their hands behind their back. They were always so... what's the word... mature. No fun.

My thoughts were interrupted, "well I definitely can't say the same for you, sire."

Oops, I said that out loud. Quickly, I apologised to Cuda before bringing my attention to the caretaker. She was shorter than I expected her to be, but that might have been because of my tallness. Oh, she's wearing the clothes I gave! Yay! My eyes glanced over to her hands, and around her wrist was the triangle guardian bracelet, good.

Me, being the nice king I am, thought I'd greet her, "Welcome, yellow caretaker-!"

But she abruptly interrupted my warm greeting. "Where is Gold?! And Square? What in Sunny's name do you want?!"

In one swift move, I snatched the caretaker's arm and pulled her closer to me. While examining them closely, I heard her breathing hitch before stopping, fear pooling in her panicked eyes. I smirked.

«ït fėârß ùś" ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ said, quite rudely to be honest.

'She, but yes, she does indeed' I responded to the voice, still staring as her as she occasionally tried to break free, only to quickly realise that my grip was to strong.

Suddenly, I let her go, clapped my hands together, and suggested with a smile, "how about we all go eat something, hey?"

"Frëšh, ŵhät thë äçtùàł hęćk??"


I'm so sorry, I literally had no idea what to write, plus this writing style is honestly kinda difficult for me sometimes.

And copy and paste is being rude to me so I can't properly do the glitchy text :,)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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~ Life's Lessons ~ Blixer/King Fresh x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now