Chapter 5 - Do something today that your future self will thank you for!

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Third person:

As the circular guardian dashes off to their caretaker, the rest of the crew of heroes gather around, congratulating the guardians and in general celebrating their victory.
"I think we honestly deserve some fun time together! Cir and Haniel should be back soon enough, they're pretty quick!" Cube exclaims excitedly, a huge smile present on his face.
"Heck yeah! Can we go on the slide into the sea?? I always wanted to do that!!" Shouts an excited cyan guardian while flouting around his caretaker quickly.
"Oooh~ y/n! Can we too?!" Cheered Gold, her eyes full of hope.
The blue male cube and the s/c female h/s giggle at the guardians behaviour, happily nodding their head. The h/s-headed girl looked over to her tall friend, and asks, "Hey, Dice, you coming too?"
"I think Penny and I will just sit here and watch the sunset, we don't won't to catch a cold." They states, calmly, as he sits down at the cliff edge with Penny on their lap, who is enthusiastically smiling whilst slowly swaying side to side.
"Oki Doki! Whatever flouts your bout dude! See ya later, alligator!" The small female cries out to them.
"Buckaroo, kangaroo!" They cries out back, giggling at their friends silliness. At that moment, Gold flouts up to y/n and sits on her shoulder, waving bye to her friend, Penny.
"Y/n! Stop flirting and come on! Square is going to explode if we don't get to go down the slide sooner!" Cubie jokingly bellows, catching the s/c head's attention.
"Dude," she let out a small chuckle, "Dice already has a girlfriend, you know that!"
"I know, but it finally caught your attention!"
The female thinks for a moment, 'finally? Was he calling out to me a few times already? I really need to sort out my spacing out'. "Sorry, but let's go!" Giggles y/n, running to the slide with Gold still on her shoulder snickering as a wide grin spread across her face like smooth butter on toast.
The four shapes, Square, Cube, Y/n and Gold, excitedly run to the Highnight slide.
Cube's POV:
As I came closer to my destination, I slowed down and took a couple deep breaths, inhaling the much needed oxygen that I couldn't quite gather while running. I looked over at y/n and Gold seeing that they are right beside Square and me.
"You can go before us, no need for ladies first." Gold squeaks out while y/n nods happily in agreement.
At that, Square practically pulls me towards the slide and forces me to sit on it with him on my lap. A small chuckle leaves my mouth as I hold onto Square to make sure he doesn't yeet off my lap during the slide; I used my free hand to lightly push myself and.... nothing happened. Did I not push myself hard enough? Suddenly I felt two pair of hands on my back, two bigger hands and two smaller hands. They start to push me so hard that when Square and I slid off the slide to the edge, we did a flip in the air and land into the water with a huge SPLASH! Shortly after I hear laughter that I knew too well, Gold and y/n. Wow, just wow.
As I playfully roll my eyes,  I call out, "You two coming down?"
"Or are you too scared?!" Square adds loudly, now on my head as I use my arms to help me flout, and not sink and drown, and become like that one creepy, 'Link' dude, what's his name? Oh doesn't matter.
As I look up, I see y/n and Gold preparing themselves into the same position Square and I were in. "Oh hurry up!" Square shouts. Wow, he really is hyped. I giggle quietly to myself.

Y/n POV:

As I gently place Gold on my lap, I hear a voice shouting, "Oh hurry up!"
When I look over, I see that it was Square who said *cough* squeaked like the mouse he is *cough *cough* that. Soon enough, I see Gold stick her tongue out at him and she holds my left hand tightly. I smile warmly, readying myself mentally.
"Okay here we go!!" I announce, using my right hand to push myself a little and then quickly retreating my hand to where my left hand is, holding Gold in an almost protective way.
I close me eyes, screaming in both fear and delight as I feel the light breeze turn into a strong gust of wind while I rapidly slide down. As soon as I feel that I am in the air, I inhale deeply and hold my breath as I bring my knees closer to my chest, but making sure I don't crush the little yellow guardian. That'd be bad.
After a few seconds of feeling gravity pulling me down to earth, I cannonball into the water. As soon as I get the sense of where up and down is, I swim upwards and exhale. While keeping myself afloat, I wipe excess water off my face the best I can with my wet hands and trying not to drown.
"Yes! That was epic!!" I here Gold's voice squeak out next to me.
"Hey! You alive there?!" I hear a distant voice say, 'Dice' I thought to myself.
I turn around to look at him and shout back, "Dude!! I obviously dead here mate!"
"Oh, phew, finally. I might actually get some quiet time!" They laugh out loud.
I pretend to be offended and scoff, turning around before I hear laughter, soon joining in.
"C-cya Dice! Cya Penny!" Cube yells his goodbyes and picks up square a little, swimming to a little island as Square waved goodbye. I soon followed behind, but not before Gold and I wave a small bye.
A few seconds later, we arrived at the island. Or whatever you want to call it. Small pile of dirt of the coast that just so happens to have a flower shape ((like lycanthropy, but obviously blue/green)). We walk around, laughing, talking and in general having a good time.
"YO! What are those?!" Square shouts, pointing at the... glowing... flouting... triangle....
Is that-?!
"Is that the Tripedean?!" I hear Cube gasp, extremely loudly and deeply to the point where I thought he was gonna collapse from inhaling so much air.
Gold and Square slowly flout up to the Tripedean, reaching out their little hands to touch it. When they got in contact, there was a bright glow and a bridge appeared. Nani?! How?!
"Holy cows! Lets go!!" Gold basically screams.
"Lets go!" I shout out, excited.
Who knows what we might find?

Do something today that your future self will that you for!

~ Life's Lessons ~ Blixer/King Fresh x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now