The e-mail

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I had a message, on Tumblr. It was a bot, because it's always a bot, and I marked them as spam- as always.

Now was as good a time as any, I thought, so I found the Abbi who gave me notes. The one who never cried. Turns out she's British. As if I ever expected every Abbi to be my Abbi, it was never going to be her. God...

I drifted into sleep, into a vast expense of soil and attempts at trees. All I could see was this landscape, all I could hear was a collection of screams. The screaming was filling the air, from every angle, and I could only pick out a couple of voices. I could hear my sister, my mother, Jason and even Abbi.

Obviously I could hear Abbi, my brain was trying to torment me (not that I realized this), and she was so much louder than everyone else. I tried to find her, my eyes flickering around madly. Eventually I realized that I couldn't move, let alone find anyone, so I joined the chorus.

I woke up.

Good. It would have been very annoying if I hadn't.

But it was early, still dark, and I opened up my laptop. Abbi had sent me her e-mail address. So I started writing.

When I look in your eyes, I see the sadness I could never understand. I believe we've been apart for far too long, wandering through life with no concept of what we were missing, and that neither of us truly understand how lost we were before. When I talk to you, it's like I'm listening to a voice I haven't heard for a lifetime- yet have been yearning for all these years. Every other experience I have pales to the few I've had with you.

These feelings are all so strange and evolving at a rate I can't keep up with as they are all so new. I'm trying to understand you- the scars, the wounds, I see them whenever I look at you. Yet somehow I can't begin to understand how to help.

Abbi, you have so much pain in your life, more than I could imagine. I hear it in your voice, I see it in your eyes. I want to see you smile without seeing the ocean of tears behind your eyes. I want to find a way to heal the damage done until you can forget it ever existed.

I sent it, then smiled. Finally. Everything was down. All the thoughts buzzing round my mind had been captured and laid out for Abbi. The British chick on tumblr could never compare to her, I knew that now. 

Still, it was time to go to school. I'd see her there!


Would like to say that you should absolutely NOT send cringey e-mails to your highschool crush and that it won't go well inside or outside of this story. Ta!

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