Tyler- Let Me Help You

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Tyler wants to help you find your missing pup. (Tyler is Finn's character from Dog Days)

Y/n sobs quietly as she puts up another flyer. She has been doing this for 2 days now. She had no hope. "Y/n right?" Tyler says behind her holding his bike up. "Tyler.." Y/n has talked to Tyler once or twice in school.

Her papers get blown away. Y/n's eyes filled with salty tears. "I'm never going to find my dog." Y/n says. "Your not putting your flyers in the right places, let me help." Tyler says grabbing her papers.

"How about at the dog park, it's full of dogs right?" Tyler says. "That's on the other side of town."Y/n says. "Hop in." Tyler says pointing to the basket on his bike.

"Are-are you serious, Tyler!" Y/n stutters. Tyler smiled. Y/n got in the basket her legs dangling from the basket. Y/n fit in the basket perfectly. "Aw that's cute that you fit." Tyler says.

Y/n crosses her arms.

Tyler got on his bike peddling down the side walk. Y/n was a smiling mess.


After a while Y/n and Tyler made it to the dog park. "People own dogs and they don't want to lose them so maybe they'll help." Tyler says.

"Let's just hope.." Y/n says with a slight sigh.

They went around the dog park placing up flyers. The more Y/n looked at the dogs around her she got more sad that her puppers was gone. "I'm never gonna find her." Y/n says dropping the papers as she dropped to the ground.

"Hey don't say that." Tyler says. "Why not, it's true. My dog is gone." Y/n says with tears.

"Your dog is right there." Tyler points at a small dog asleep by a tree. "You said your dog was named Ladybug, she's right there." Tyler says.

Y/n got up and looked at the collar on the puppy. It said 'Ladybug'  she found her pup. She ran over to the dog. "Ladybug!" Y/n says petting the small pup.

Tyler smiled watching Y/n.

Puppies are cute how could I not resist to make this?


/Finn Wolfhard\ ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now