don't mess with an angry Peter Parker

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warning : cringe

I edited this chapter so it might be less cringy so eh

Peter's pov

"were the rumors real?"

"is he really Tony Stark's son?"

"but I thought he's just his personal

"he was actually an intern??"

I grumpily made my way towards my
locker with my best friend Ned beside

To say that I want to drink a bottle of
shampoo was an understatement and
here's why

Instead of having Happy pick me up from school yesterday, it was Mr.Stark who 'definitely did not show up with one of his fancy cars'-

,but that's beside the point.

Having Mr.Stark to be the one picking
me up was unusual. He only picks me
up when something important was up
so when he answered with a "I'll tell
you everything later" something bad
was definitely up

so when we arrived at the tower, he
and Pepper finally decided to explain
what was going on.

Turns out some stupid worker decided to spread some fake news on internet by posting pictures of me and Mr.Stark -which was nOt crEepY aT alL-  and saying that I'm his child or
some shit.

And that was the reason why I'm all
over the news and why everyone is
talking about me in both media and


I grumbled to myself while returning
my things inside my locker, trying my
hardest to ignore all the attention that
I was getting

"just ignore them Pete" Ned said ,
I gave him a smile and nod. "So...
when is he going to make a press
conference for you?" MJ asked

"I don't know..and to be honest , I
don't even want to know." I told her
she rolled her eyes and nod

"yo Parker"

I turned around and see Eugene
Thompson , aka Flash and... my
bully. I smiled and waved awkwardly.

"so... I heard you're really close with
Tony Stark..." he said , I just smiled
awkwardly , not knowing what to tell

I don't want them to think I'm being
arrogant if I say yes...

"yeah he is." Ned said , Flash scowled
at him which made him shut up. "so I
am just wondering..."

"-no thanks" MJ said "I haven't even
said anything yet!" Flash said , he let
out a sigh and started again

"I think we should be friends , You
shouldn't hang out with a weird girl
and a pig. You should hang out with rich and popular kids like me" he grins

I stared at him for a minute and tilt
my head "so.. in short , just because
you found out that I really know Mr.
Stark , you want to be friends now?"
I asked him

he stopped smiling and looks at me
weirdly "i-its not like that" "and you
even insulted my friends... I'm sorry
but no thank you." I told him

he frowned "alright then... I'll make
you regret that you rejected my offer."
he told and pushed me

"you're probably just seducing him."
he whispered

I clenched my fist and grit my teeth
"I'm not!" I yelled , he turned around
and laughed "oh , is Penis Parker
angry? are you gonna cwy?" he said
"take back what you said." I told him
"the Penis Parker?" he smirked "no"
"then what?" he grins

"don't play dumb." I told him

" mean that you're seducing
Tony Stark so that he can pretend that
he knows you?" he said , loud enough
for everyone at the hallway to hear.

and without even thinking , I punched
his face.

and then he punched me , and then
we started fighting until the teachers
had to pull us away from each other.

I end up going home with a bruise on
my cheek and a busted lip , and a 1
month detention.

- at the tower

"welcome back baby spider , Mr.Stark
is currently in a meeting , he said that
he might be late for your father and son bonding."

Friday , Mr.Stark's AI said. I raised an
eyebrow and tilt my head "did you..
just say father and son bonding?" I


I sighed as I think about what Flash
told me ,

"you're probably just seducing him."

I clenched my fist and released another sigh , why would I do that? Mr.Stark is... he's like a father to me...

" is currently having a panic attack, I suggest you go and help him" Friday announced making me almost jump out of my seat "where is he?" I asked while frowning

"he's currently at the penthouse" the
AI replied "alright Fri , take me there."

- at the penthouse

After minutes of impatiently waiting
for the elevator to finally take me to
wherever my mentor was.

The door finally slid open, revealing
the group who seem to be in a middle
of an argument.

I immediately ran towards Mr.Stark
as soon as I noticed him sitting at one
of the couches while burying his face
on his palms.

I rushed towards the said billionaire,
ignoring the confused and weird look
I was getting from the group

I gently put a hand on his arm and
spoke in a hushed tone "Mr.Stark, hey
It's alright.., it's ok, you're alright.. I'm
here with you dad-, I- uh let's focus on
your breathing, yeah?"

after some minutes he was finally able
to calm down "sorry about that.. uhm-
don't you like.. have school?" he asked

"uh about that, I was there until lunch
but the rumors and attention were too much so I... kind of ditchedtherest
oftheclass... please don't kill me-"

"kid, calm down, ... it's alright" he said
and I slowly nodded then finally notice that the rogue were here as well and are all has been staring at me since earlier

"what are they doing here?" I asked
Mr.Stark with furrowed eyebrows

Mr.Stark was just about to open his
mouth to say something but then before he could even answer a certain grandpa decided to interrupt

"Stark.., who's this kid? did Pepper knew about this? why does he have
bruises all over his arms and a busted
lip? gosh.. Stark, you can't just-"

"aight, I'm gonna stop you right there,
you-" I stopped then looked at
Mr.Stark "can I cuss?" I asked and he
nodded his head awkwardly

"-cant just fucking accuse Mr.Stark for something that he didn't even do, you
guys already saw him earlier having a panic attack and yet you continued on arguing. So if you're all just going to continue being an ass altough he is more willing to finally make it up to you, then I think you guys are the ones who should leave."

and with that I finished my rant with
everyone now staring at me with guilty and worried expressions

"he's right, now shoo~" Ms.Tasha said
and placed a hand on my shoulder
while using her other hand to shoo them away

Mr.Stark stood up from the couch and
let out a chuckle while shaking his head  "never knew you could be like that when you're angry..."

"oh gosh- I'm so sorry, Mr.Stark I- Its

"Sweet Jesus, aren't you supposed to be worrying about yourself first?? look at you, you're covered in bruises and your lip is busted, did you got in a fight?" He asked and continued on rambling on how I should take care of myself more and threatening me with grounding and not playing Legos with Ned

I sighed and looked at Ms.Tasha for help who just gave me a thumbs up and wink

"Tony, your father side is showing-"

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