👀how spidey stopped civil war

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hi!!, I know I haven't udpated that much im sorry , I've been very busy turning oxygen into carbon dioxide :)))))) btw do you guys have any req?

Alright hoomans , before we start I
just want to tell you this will suck. There might be a lot of mistakes but Im way too lazy to fix them

Tony's pov

"alright I've run out of patience.." I
mumbled and took a deep breath

"underoos!!" I yelled and the spider
kid immediately appeared and shot
a web at Captain's shield and snatched
it , then covered his hands with webs
and landed perfectly.

I smiled , feeling proud of what he just
did "nice job kid" I told him

"thanks... well I could've stuck the
landing better , its just a new suit...
well it's nothing mr.Stark , It's perfect
thank you-" he rambles

"yeah , we don't really need to start a
conversation" I told him but he ignored me and looked at Steve

"cat- Captain, big fan, spiderman" he
said while pointing his self, I rolled my eyes and almost face palmed "yeah we will talk about it later, just-"

"hey everyone!" The kid said and the
others just looked at him weirdly and
some rolled their eyes, probably
feeling annoyed.

they better not insult him tho, or else
I will not hesitate to blast their mouth
with my ironsuit if they upset my ki-
I mean, the kid

"you've been busy..."

I looked at Steve and frowned "and
you've been a complete idiot." I told
him through gritted teeth

"I'm trying to keep..." I whispered in a
low sad voice , I sighed "I am trying to
keep you from tearing the Avengers
apart" I said as tears starts to well up
from my eyes but I ignored them

Peter's pov

Mr.Stark bit his lip and looked up at
Captain with a frown , he opened his
mouth to say something but then he
immediately closed it and continued
looking at Captain with a frown

I stared at Mr.Stark's eyes that looked
so upset and lonely , he has bags under his eyes and it was obvious he's been crying.

I just stayed quiet , as the two of them
continue on arguing about wanda and
the accord thing ,

I looked at Captain who's kind of glaring at Mr.Stark but still kind of looking at him with a worried look , it was obvious he's worried at Mr.Stark.

It was obvious.

they care for each other and didn't
want all of this to happen.

I sighed and before they could even
start killing each other and start this
stupid war , I immediately jumped
between them "WAIT"

"what?!" everyone yelled including
Mr.Stark , I flinched and covered my
ears. Mr.Stark's eyes widened and his
face softened "I-Im sorry Kid I didn't
mean to-" "Mr.Stark...its alright , I'm
fine" I told him

"alright , you've wasted enough time
spider kid. You should leave so that
we adults can finish this already" Hawkeye said, I just  rolled my eyes

"can we...can we please just stop this
shit?" I told them and everything went silent

"language!!" Captain yelled and I just

"look guys... lets all be honest , none
of you want this. Well even me doesnt
want this" I told them

"also... it's obvious you guys like each
other" I added while pointing both
Mr.Stark and Captain causing for the
two to immediately avoid eye contact

"what I mean is , can't we just fix this
like civilized people? It's sad seeing my favourite heroes fight."

Black widow finally spoke and went
towards me "he's right..." She said and
placed a hand on my shoulder

"yeah... I dont want to hurt any of you
guys" Hawkeye said and went towards Black widow who gave him a fist bump

"I uh...me too!" Antman yelled and ran
towards me , then the others starts
agreeing (including everyone. As in.
because thats how powerful Peter is)

until it was just Captain and Mr.Stark

they look at each other and smiled a
little "I'm sorry for everything I said.."
Mr.Stark said and Steve shook his head

"I should be the one apologizing.. I'm
so sorry for everything I did... , your kid is right Tony" captain said

"first of all..I forgive you , Second... He's not my kid..." Mr.Stark mumbled

"Wait... he's not your kid??" Hawkeye
asked and I gave him a weird look "uh
yeah?" I said as if its the most obvious
thing in the world

"he's not my kid alright..." Mr.Stark told them and Black widow rolled her eyes

"yet you treat him like he is" she said

"yeah yeah whatever"

and that's how , the amazhang spooder man , ended the Civil war in the most impossible way. They call it miracle.

the end

told you it'd suck

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