you're my dad! boogie , woogie , woogie

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found this catchy vine and cant get it out of my head. Send help.

Stark's pov

"WHOSE KID IS THIS?!"  I yelled angrily
while holding a small child covered with
paint and glitters

the Avengers looks at me with confused
faces ,  which soon turned into  shocked
expressions when they saw the child I'm

"He was in my lab and painting my suits
and covering them with glitters and paints!" I yelled

"...yours?" Clint asked while staring at the
adorable baby

"... nah uh , Pepper would have told me"
I said still holding the child

"not mine , I don't even have a boyfriend."
Natasha mumbled

"I'm gay." Bucky said and looked at Steve
and pointed him "and so is he" he added
Steve blushed and started scolding Bucky

"maybe one of your exes' " Sam said while
having a glaring contest with the child

"nah... Friday wouldn't just let anyone in
the lab" I told him 

"Sam stop scaring the kid" Bucky told Sam
who just glared at him and stuck his tongue
out to irritate him more.

"EVERYONE!!" Thor yelled as he enter the
penthouse while carrying his brother on his
shoulder "PUT ME DOWN" Loki yelled at his
blondie brother.

"My brother , he..." "What did he do Thor?"
I asked and handed the baby to Clint "he..
turned your son into a...child" he said and
I almost choked on air when he said that.

"he what...?" I asked "It was an accident!!"
Loki hissed , Peter stared at me and I stared
at him aswell , we had a staring contest for
5 minutes til he blinked and yelled "YOURE MY DAD , BOOGIE , WOOGIE , WOOGIE!!"

"OH MY GOD ITS REALLY PETER!!" Clint exclaimed with his eyes wide , Peter stared at his face and started laughing "uncle!" he exclaimed and Clint gasped and chuckled "yes!! I'm your uncle!" He said

"so...could you please explain how the heck
Peter turned into a toddler?" I asked Loki

"I showed him a marble that can turn
someone into a child , he swallowed one."
Loki explained and I stared at him

"...what do you mean he swallowed one?"
I asked

"he thought he was going to be Darna."
the author said while eating noodles with

everyone including me stared at her and she just shrugged and continued eating ,
"author... I swear to god , stop breaking the
fourth wall and continue the story" I said
and everyone looks at me confused

she rolled her eyes and went towards the
fridge and stole some chocolates before
waking out. "who the hell was that" Clint mumbled

"he thought it was a candy that's why he
ate the marble.." Loki explained

"how are we gonna turn him back to normal?" Steve asked "wait for 2 days."
Loki told him "can't you just use magic
to turn him back to normal immediately?"
I asked and he shake his head

"we should buy clothes... his t-shirt is too
big for him" I said and they nod "make sure
to buy cute onesies" Natasha told me and I
grin and gave her a nod


time skip

3rd person pov

Peter is now wearing cute spiderman
onesie while sleeping peacefully in
Bucky's arm who's currently sitting on
a couch and watching Voltron at the TV

the winter soldier stared at Peter's sleeping face and smiled , "I'm going to kill whoever
hurts you~" he whispered in a happy tone

"please dont kill" Steve told him , Bucky
pout "alright... I'll just beat them into pulp"
"that's literally the same thing..." Steve said

"WHO STOLE MY CHOCOLATES!?" Sam yelled as he enters the living room ,
causing for Peter to wake up and cry loudly
,Bucky stood up and handed him to Steve who prayed for Sam's life.

"what the hell happened?!" Tony and Clint
asked as they enter the living room "help!!
Peter won't stop crying!" Steve yelled while
trying to calm Peter down

"what's wrong?? I heard Peter cry" Natasha
asked and went towards the 4

"guys... he's still crying" Steve said , Clint
laughed "here , let me" he said and Steve
handed him Peter and soon the baby spider
stopped crying

"how did you..." Steve asked shocked ,
"he's a father , did you forgot?" Natasha
told him "how-how do you do that?" Tony
asked Clint

"my kids trained me well" Clint said while
staring at Peter with a smile

"now hold him and I'll go help Sam before
he gets killed by Barnes" Clint said and put
the sleeping brunette on Tony's arms

the end

hope you guys liked it , I am sorry for
breaking fourth wall , : D bye and ily 3000

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