his spider son

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"we know that every school year we
are required to go on a field trip , we
don't go on field trips just to have fun ,
we also learn , which is why it is impo-"
the teacher rambles infront

I let out a sigh , knowing that even if I
want to go or not , I cant.

field trips are fun and all , but I don't
have the budget to pay for it , and I don't
want to ask May for money because she
already have a lot on her plate.

I sighed once again but louder which
caught Ned's attention , he turned to me
with an excited smile but then his smile
disappeared when he saw my upset face

"is something wrong??" he asked , his
voice filled with worry , I shook my head and  forced a small smile "nothing's wrong" I told him.

"are you not excited for the field tri-..." he
stopped talking and frowned  "i-if you want
I can ask Mom to pay for-"

"No it's-"

"it's really fine Peter, im sure mom wouldn't mind-"

"Ned..." I said and he stopped rambling on
about his mom. "Ned I- ...I really appreciate
it , thank you! but please..

I- I don't want that... I'm sorry I-I just didn't
like the idea of me having to rely on someone else's parents..." I told him in a low sad voice while I avoid eye contact.

"oh gosh- I'm sorry Peter , I didn't mean
to make it look like that...I just wanted to
help-" Ned said

"I know I know... you don't have to say
sorry" I told him , he smiles and we
continued on listening to the teacher.


school finally finished , and I now stood
outside the school with Ned beside me ,
as we talk about random things and legos
I called his name "Ned"

"yes?" he looks at me and tilt his head

"I'm glad to have you as a friend.." I said
with a small smile , he grins "me too"

soon , the familiar car that Happy uses
to pick me finally arrived. I waved goodbye
to Ned and we did our hand shake before
I go inside the car


"-you think?.. kid??"

my thoughts were cut off when Mr.Stark
tapped my shoulder while staring at me
with a frown "y-yes Mr.Stark?" I said with
a small awkward smile

"you were spacing out... did something
happen?" he asked , I shook my head "I..
it's nothing Mr.Stark , I'm sorry for spacing
out" I told him and continued working on
a small robot ,

he just hummed

"I heard your school's having a surprise
field trip?" he asked with a small smirk , I
raised my eyebrows and looks at him with
a confused face "yeah.. but how did you-??"

his smirked grew wider "I wonder how.." he
whispered but loud enough for me to hear.

"w-was it.. Ned?" I asked anxiously

Mr.Stark tilt his head and shook his head
"no... why do you look so worried?" He
asked "ah- I.. I'm not Mr.Stark..." I told him

he rolls his eyes "you really are terrible at
lying" he said as he places his screw driver
down at the table "something's bothering
you... what is it?" he asked in a serious tone

"... its nothing Mr.Stark" I told him as I start
to feel uncomfortable at the topic

he sighed and crossed his arms "should I
call Ned and ask him then?" he threatens ,
"wh-what?? please dont-"  "already calling him.

oh hey Ned... yeah , .. sweet Jesus calm
down kid. mm , do you know why Peter
is acting weird? better tell me the truth."


"what do you mean?? ... what?! alright
I'll talk to them , yeah sure , thanks."

I sighed and started muttering about how
I'm so going to ignore Ned for a week and
things like how much I want to drink bleach

"look kid ,im sorry if it made you mad that
Im minding your own business. I'm just...
worried and I hated seeing my kid upset."
He said and let out a sigh



"You called me your kid."

"sh-shit- Im sorry kid-"

"do you... do you really think of me
as your k-kid..?" I asked him , His eyes
widened and he nod his head slowly

"i-I think of you as a father figure..."

he looks up and stares at me wide eyed
"really?" he asked , I chuckled and nod
"I-Ive always thought of you as my mentor
and father figure..."  I told him , he pulled
me in a hug and started sniffling quietly

3rd person pov

"now , all of this are sweet and all but we
still need to talk about your Field Trip." The
billionaire told Peter as he pull away from
their hug

"...if you really want to go , I can pay for it.
You don't have to be shy or something , you
are my kid and I-"

"Mr.Stark look I uh really appreciate it , but
no thanks... I'd rather spend my time here at the lab with you" Peter told him

"I-I mean if it's alright w-with you and if
you are uh not busy??.." he quickly added
Tony chuckled and ruffled the brunette ,
"Ofcourse it is"

little did the two know , some Avengers ,
a super soldier , a god of mischief and a
merc with a mouth are all hiding behind a
wall while listening and watching the two

idk when I'll be writing the reqs , maybe Ill start tomorrow or idk , bye : D

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